Saturday, April 11, 2020


Hey Sis heyy!

You know, I'm almost addicted to the book of Hosea because It's such a beautiful, (im)perfect love story. It tells the beautiful story of God's unfailing, unwavering and undiluted love for his undeserving children.

Each time i read that book, I'm always stunned at how a perfect God can love imperfect, broken humans so perfectly or why he even wants to in the first place.

Like why?

What exactly about this frail mortals excites him all the time and moves him to give us the utmost of himself?

My little mind is still unable to grasp it every single time.

Like it wrecks me back and forth all the way, just imagining the length, breadth and width of God's love for humanity- all he went through just to prove his love for his creation all through the books of the Bible and how far he goes just to pull their wandering minds back to his sweet embrace.

Doesn't it wreck you too? (insert real tears)

That same love led him to the cross. (John 3:16)

Isn't that what he still does for us today? patiently, lovingly and compassionately drawing us back to himself every time we stray away because we are broken, frail mortals that need his help to make it through everyday. Despite giving his life as the ultimate sacrifice years ago, he still continues to love us even today.

He is beckoning for your life everyday. That's all he wants in return for paying a price so dear for you- that you will give him your life in it's entirety. Will you heed his nudge or would you turn a deaf ear?

Will you respond to his gentle voice and let him into your heart?

"Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends". Revelation 3:20 (NLT)

He's been knocking on the door of your heart for so long, he just wants to love youuu!!

He just wants to help you.

Open up the door of your heart and let Jesus in.

He wants fellowship, Intimacy and daily communion with you.

Hosea 2:14-23 absolutely captures God's love promises to us, and that is the portion of scripture we are going to meditate on this week. Every time you read it, just always remember that it is God's love letter to you.

As the entire Christendom is thrust into a mode of sobriety this weekend reflecting on Jesus' painful journey to the cross 2,000 years ago, his gory two nights spent in the grave and finally his total victory on resurrection morning, always remember that it was for you. He did it all for you!

Happy Easter Sisters!

Never forget God's abundant love for you, and always remember that Abba loves you very much.


-Can we absolutely continue our daily 20 mins in the word and 20 mins in prayer challenge? It has changed my life in many more ways than i can write and i hope it has changed yours too. I'm in!!

-Good news sisters!! Beginning from nextweek, I am going to start recommending a book for us to read per month because i get a lot of questions from people asking for book recommendations. I'll try and attach the recommended book to the mail if i have the soft copy, otherwise i would simply share title and author so that you can check for it in bookstores near you. Who is excited about GROWTH?!?

-I started to add the weekly mails to my blog so if you are new here or by any chance missed any of the mails, hop on to my blog and check them out:

- If you love your sister friend, you would invite them to join Queen on Wings Movement using this link :

That would be all for now.

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