Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Hey Sis!

You know i typically won't mail you on a Tuesday evening such as this, I'd usually wait till about Friday eve/Saturday morning to send out emails but this one is urgent!

It's been burning on my heart since i saw it and the Lord wouldn't let me rest until i have shared it with you so here i am obeying him.

Okay, so two days ago in the early hours of Sunday 12th April 2020, i saw a vision from the Lord. I am going to try my best to accurately describe what i saw in that vision with the aim that it helps and blesses you. I may not tell it fully, but I'll tell you the part that is relevant for you and for the body of Christ generally.

In that vision, i was in an overt place and as i looked i saw many fully kitted soldiers(head to toe) released into all the earth by God. These soldiers were angels and they were instructed to bring everyone, man, woman, boy girl before the presence of God to be judged. So they (angels in soldier form) would grab people from all over the place and bring them to the God's presence. I saw the room/office where God was, and right outside it was a waiting area where the people that the angels brought queued up to await being called into the presence of God to be judged. There was a long queue yet it seemed to be moving so fast.

Whatever the verdict that God gave the individual was final. No mercy. The moment he gave the verdict, the angels immediately grabbed them out into their eternal damnation.

Now sis listen, i want you to know that the atmosphere of this vision was very tensed and people's hearts were thudding beneath their chest just wondering what their own verdict will be.

I saw the Master (God) and i saw a dimension of him that i have rarely seen. He had the strict, fierce, no mercy, judgemental kind of look. Indeed his eyes were like fire.

What troubled me the most in the vision was the rate at which people were condemned into eternal damnation/destruction. Very few people made it. How did i know this? from their reaction when the angels(about 3-4 of them) dragged them out of the master's presence upon hearing their verdict. They were screaming and wailing at the top of their lungs, and i could feel the FEAR in their hearts. People were screaming from the pain of being tortured.

Then the soldiers came for me and grabbed me! (Remember that every one will appear before the throne of God on the last day? Every human. 2 Corinthians 5:10). I tried to resist but they were too strong. So they took me and i found myself on the queue awaiting to go before the Master and hear my own verdict.

Fear gripped me!

But while i was on the line, a voice spoke to me (the HolySpirit i believe) and said to me "But you know him and he knows you, and you can leverage on that. He will show you mercy"...Wheew!

I want to stop right here, because i believe you get the message of the vision already. The time is short, the King is coming, and we need to get our lives together! If Jesus does not know you and you don't know him on the last day, that is the end of it. Remember Jesus said:

"I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep and they know me". John 10:14 (NLT)

Friends this is not the time to play with your relationship with Jesus. If he does not KNOW you in the end, that's eternal damnation. NO MERCY AGAIN. This is beyond going to church or having a form of spirituality. Remember Jesus said:

"On judgement day many will say to me 'Lord Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and prophesied in your name'. But i will reply, 'I never knew you. Get away from me, you who breaks God's laws'. Matthew 7:22 (NLT).

At that point when we would stand before the presence of Jesus, every single human being, NOTHING ELSE WILL MATTER EXCEPT THE RELATIONSHIP WE HAVE WITH HIM.

No one in the vision i saw cared about a house, job, career or even money. They just wanted their souls saved for goodness sake. They wanted to be shown mercy badly. I came out of that vision deeply worried and petrified. The world needs to hear the gospel!

I don't mean to scare you sis, but i know i will be accountable to God if i fail to tell you the truth. I hope this mail motivates you to begin to do the right things in preparation for Jesus' second coming.

PS: If you love someone and genuinely care about their eternal destiny, you would forward this email to them! Let's warn people now and save their souls in the end.

Also, If you are reading this mail and you are unsure about where you stand with God, you desire to repent or to grow your relationship with Jesus, send an email right now to queenonwingsmovement@gmail.com with the subject "SALVATION".

I'll really love to talk it through with you and help you make amends with your maker. Our time here on earth is so short and every world event currently taking place just brings us closer and closer to the final day.

Love you sisters, and I'm praying for you.

Your sister,

Regina Uzoma.


- I have added this mail and previous mails to my blog, just in case you missed it or want to share it with a sweet soul. check it out here:https://reginauzoma.blogspot.com

- We are going to be having a LIVE online session on 'Zoom' app! I'm hoping to share with you, pray with you, exhort you, answer your questions and connect with you. If you don't have the app, download it on playstore. Also, I'll need you to register before friday so that i can plan better. Invite a sister too. Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSde-hdYNf58tWbOA_n56wJnmsv7q37uuvWdAy3OzCxP7pib5w/viewform

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