Friday, July 27, 2018


Today. Today was deep for me. I really got a chance to reflect on what this life really is about, on how privileged we are to have some of the things we have, that we don’t realize we have, and so we take them for granted. 

Let me give you a typical example. Ninety percent of you reading this article can readily answer the question ‘who am I’? You know your surname, you know your state of origin, you know the hospital where you were born, and it’s even no big deal to you, at least not yet.
Working with orphaned children has taught me that these little things are big blessings- knowing who you are, where you come from, who your parents are, and the rest. Many of them battle with what is called "Identity Crisis". Many of them ask the question 'Who am I?" No parents, no family members, no state of origin, no surname, no sibling…they don't know who they are and they do not belong to anybody unless and until they are adopted out, then they can associate totally with their new family.

Identity Crisis has been identified to be one of the greatest causes of depression, low self-esteem and self-pity in orphaned children who grow up in orphanages. When I interact with them, they often ask me personal questions like “Aunty, they always make fun of me in my class that I live in an orphanage where everybody is my mummy and daddy. What should I do?” This just goes on to give us a little clue of what is going on in their minds, and more.
And with every question they ask, I try to make them see that by human explanation, they may have been here by accident, but by divine arrangement, they are here on purpose. Stars that are destined to shine by God and illuminate their generation. Sometimes it’s not always easy, but it is always worth it.

Let’s cultivate the habit of thanking God for the seemingly ‘little things’ and encouraging and praying for others who do not have what we have. It is the best service you can render to humanity.

Here are some pictures from my visit to Vigilante Heart Charitable society, Ajah Lagos, talking to the kids on ‘Self Esteem’. Will post more pictures when i get them.

PS: our volunteers weren’t able to make it because it’s a working day, and they were all at work. (Don’t ask me how I escaped work. Hehehehe)
Get in touch with me at for more information or details.

Friday, July 20, 2018



You can’t fit in everywhere.
There has to be a space where you were created to be in and function effectively there.
Be content with it.
Don’t feel you aren’t good enough. Because you were made in the image and likeness of a God who is good enough.
Just embrace who you are and love your place.

Never compare your life with any other or wish you were another. Never look at a person and wish you were him or her.
Comparison is the thief of potential. It cripples you and constantly has you doubting yourself.
We all can’t be everything, and that’s what makes it even all the more special.
That’s what makes your flavor bud because not everyone has it.
Just embrace who you are and love your place.

Why do you think your neighbor is better than you?
The garden always looks better from afar.
That person is just someone that has found their space and is cultivating it.
You too can. Don’t get too busy admiring another person’s lawn that you can’t even see that you have the raw materials to build yours too, and even better.
Just embrace who you are and love your place.

God has you exactly where he wants you to be.
Harness all the potential he has put in you
Shine your light and let it burn bright
Be yourself, because there is beauty in your uniqueness.

I remember once upon a time
When I didn’t see the abilities in me
I rarely functioned because I doubted I could get it right
It’s sad how much we deny ourselves when we are constantly forcing to fit into another man’s corner.
What’s wrong with you the way you are?
Let me answer that. Nothing!
You just need to see differently like I began to.
The world is waiting for you daily as the clock ticks.
You know why?
Because it has just one of you.
Don’t each of the stars radiate in their own unique way?
Just embrace who you are and love your place.

I knew who I wanted to be but I wasn’t sure I could get there, because my eyes were too busy roaming to look for who I felt was doing it better and that would cripple me. Every time I wanted to try, I would say “There is no point”. How many times have you said that to yourself and how many times has that hindered you?
Well, there is a point. And that point is that you are unique in your own way, and though you may have the exact same gift as another, your destiny is still different. Your audience in life is different. Your impact too will be different.
Nothing else brings joy and fulfillment like walking your own path, doing your own thing and coloring your own space…
Just embrace who you are and love your place.

It’s your unique rhythm. Find it, and sing it to the world! 

Friday, July 13, 2018



I remember meeting Felix in NYSC camp. That day, all corp members were asked to sit on the bare floor by soldiers with our sparkling white shorts. I didn’t even wait to hear the complete instruction when I immediately left the rocky area I was to go and search for a smoother place to sit; even though that meant leaving my platoon line and going to another platoon which wasn’t really allowed. I picked up a nylon so I could spread on the floor to sit on. There I was in platoon seven line all the way from platoon four. As I spread my nylon to sit beside these group of strangers, I landed beside Felix. We would later become friends, and he would later bare his life to me…

Merely looking at him, I could tell his soul was burdened. I notice he often sighed, rarely smiled and seemed to always be lost in thought. I wanted to help him. I knew I could help him. Well, I couldn’t offer much except to lead him to the one who helped me and still helps me.
And so we talked. A lot. Because there was so much to be told. We would sit back after our SAED classes and talk for long hours, only dispersing when the clouds began to get darker. And I fed him with so much about God. So much so that he wanted to experience the kind of excitement with which I talked about someone…

Today, six months later, Felix has become like a “big son” to me, and has grown from being that sad and depressed individual, to one who has been taking little yet consistent baby steps into becoming the best of who he was created to be.

Here is what Felix has to say about his own life:

“My name is Felix Ohimai Aikoroje, I am from Edo state,Nigeria but I was born in Kaduna. From the first day I opened my eyes as a child, I have had very horrible experiences. We are six boys and growing up, things were really hard for us as my both parents were jobless. I went to a public primary school, and I started hawking from the age of 5 to stay in school even though our school fees was just one hundred and fifty Naira. Even at that, we would still be the first to be sent home for school fees or torn uniform. We lived in a garage for five years because we couldn’t afford to rent a room and the heat from the cars would nearly kill us. We lived close to a gutter that stunk all day. When I got to secondary school, we couldn’t afford uniforms so I had to use the uniforms passed down to me by my elder brothers, and that made me odd. Because of that, I was nicknamed “odd one out” so I looked for a way to fit in, and that led to my addictions. I began stealing, drinking, staying out late, doing a lot of crazy things with women, and that continued till University. I would feel a conscience tug every now and then but will shrug it off. All this while, I was singing in my church choir while living a double life. One day, I came out for an altar call in church after struggling so hard, yet it was the best decision I have made. I know I’m not perfect but I love God and he loves me, and he has used my amazing friends to change me.”

This story always gets to me, and here is the thing- It’s okay to be frail. It’s okay to have a past. It’s okay to be laden with imperfections. It’s okay to have made mistakes, no matter how grave they are. But my friends, just don’t live in that past. Just don’t let the accusing voice of the enemy cause you to get stuck in the guilt of the past, so much so that you can’t move forward. So much so that you can’t see ahead of you. It doesn’t matter what it is- addictions, bad habits, ugly cycles…proclaim your freedom in Christ. He gave it to you and he hasn’t changed his mind. Don’t let the enemy cause you to feel unworthy to receive of it because of some mistake that the precious blood shed for you already took care of. There is a way forward. You will find life, hope and strength for the future as you move out of that cage. Felix is a living experience. He is not perfect. I am not. But what matters the most, is striving daily to become better. It will take a while. It may be one step at a time, or maybe two. But of course it is THE PROCESS. So keep it moving! Bless!

Fam, let’s say something encouraging to our friends striving daily to be better people!

PS: I have Fel’s full permission to share this. Actually, it was his idea. (But to get him to actually write his story na war. I put a lot of pressure on him eh. But that’s what mommas do right?!)

Also, people complained of not being able to comment because of the google account setting. I have deactivated that, so anyone can comment.

Do you want to get in touch with me? See previous posts for contact details.