Thursday, January 10, 2019


Hi guys! Happy New Year! I know, I know, it’s the 10th of January already and I’m like the last person to wish everyone a happy new year. I sort of blame it on procrastination. Every time I planned to calm down, sit and type, something else would call for my attention and that would be it for the day, so I’m thankful I’m finally able to do this.

So like every other person, I entered the year 2019 wondering what the year would look like for me. Would I be able to accomplish my dreams? Would I be able to achieve the goals I was unable to make a reality in 2018? Would all things work out for my favor this year (with work, ministry and personal projects)? what if this year ends up being like last year? These and many other questions have plagued my mind in the past couple of days, and I’m sure a lot more people can  relate with these sort of thoughts, but I’ve found that this is almost the default reaction to UNCERTAINTY- Anxiety and worrying.

Meanwhile few days ago while meditating, I came across Matthew 6:25-34 and realized that if Jesus treated the subject of “worry” in 10 good verses, it must have been an issue then as much as it is now. It is very obvious from the scriptures that God doesn’t want us worrying about the things He knows we need. In this passage, (please dash to this scripture and read it if you can) Jesus poses a question that I find very interesting: “Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” It got me thinking and it should get you thinking as well. We see the birds of the air. They do not even have the wisdom to worry about food or clothes or shelter let alone ask for it, and God, being their heavenly Father, graciously provides every single one of their needs. The grass of the field are here today and gone tomorrow, and yet the heavenly Father richly clothes them with glory, would he likewise not be able to take care of all our needs? Why do we have so little faith? 

When fear and uncertainty stare us in the face even in this New Year, instead of being anxious, we can try these three-step approach: Take action, have faith, and trust in God. So yeah, when there are reasonable steps we can take towards achieving our dreams and it is within our power to do it, just go ahead and do it and believe that God will multiply your little efforts. However, when there is little or nothing we can do about a situation, we can trust God completely and trust his word that says God thinks good thoughts towards us (Jeremiah 29:11) and that all things are working for our good! (Romans 8:28).

What worries do we need to give to God today?

PS:Catch me on my other Instagram page @we_rock_for_god where we just hang out, study, encourage one another and share the word of God.

Have a fruitful year ahead!

X_ x!