Monday, October 8, 2018


Hy Fam!

Been a while. It's so good to be back here.

Tonight, I have an inspiring story to share. It's the story of my friend Helen. She is the founder of 'The 7000movement', an initiative geared towards empowering the girl child and also author of the book 'Purple'. She openly shares her struggles with rejection, and how that empty feeling drove her to doing unimaginable things. Hopefully, this story blesses someone today. Enjoy!

“For 13 years of my life I had worn the garment of rejection, from seeds that were sowed in me as a young girl, stating that I had to be pretty or intelligent or rich to be accepted. I had believed that the kind of people who liked you or asked you out determines your worth. The more popular or sought after the person is, the more special you are to be worthy of their love.
So even after I left boarding school, I unconsciously jumped from relationship to relationship; I was hardly single for more than a month. The fact that someone showed interest meant I was special and sometimes, I would do the chasing to get the guy. It was like an ornament I wore, the finer the guy, the more special I believed people would see me. I was wounded, I was afraid to say “No”, many of the relationships I got into fell short of my expectations. They never really treated me right and I’ll be the one acting like the wife and mother giving money and cooking food to show I was good enough to be loved.
And so after the last break up, I broke down. I couldn’t take the pain anymore. I had literally lost myself in that relationship because of how much I had loved this particular guy. He however began to make me feel I wasn’t interesting enough, I began to feel like I wasn’t pretty or ambitious or good enough to keep him. I felt I was lucky to have him, so I tried to change to keep his attention. I struggled and he still left, saying he was sorry but the passion was no longer there.
I realized at this point that I needed the balm of Gilead. No relationship could make me whole; no guy could heal the void in me. Clothes, make up, and achievement couldn’t change anything. I was walking about wounded and bleeding acting like I didn’t care. For 2 weeks I was so depressed I cried out to the Lord to heal me, to show me what was wrong. When the lord finally opened my eyes, I saw that he wanted my heart because I had made the last guy a ‘god’ in my life.
I literally had to cast out the Spirit of rejection from my life. I realized it was a crippling, demonic spirit that was stealing my life and I had to rise up to fight back. God healed me, he took the pain and I began a journey to wholeness. The journey to being spirit-controlled instead of emotions-controlled, the journey to becoming purple; Royalty. I became a woman so controlled by the principles of the kingdom that I began to amaze myself. I realized that to whom we yield ourselves, we become slaves and I decided I would no longer be a slave to my emotions. Emotions are indeed overrated.” 

You can find her book 'Purple' for free on okadabooks, or simply send her a mail

 PPS: My first book is set to be released before this week runs out! i'm so excited to finally be able to share my story with the world- how i went from being the girl locked up in a shell to the wonder girl Jesus is making out of me. Kindly watch this space for more info about it. Have a productive week!

Regina U.