Monday, March 2, 2020



Hey Sister!

How have you been this week?

Jesus just wanted me to remind you that you are Called. Seen. Chosen and Loved by him. He never again wants you to feel like you are not enough, because you are.

Often times, we can fall into the trap of focusing too much on others- we get so carried away by their progress rate, their gifts, talents, job, marriage, career, home, kids, personality type etc- that we judge ourselves and feel like our lives don't measure up. We feel like we are just not good enough and we ultimately fail to see that there is beauty in us and that our lives are perfect the way God has made it.

But hey, you are GOD'S MASTERPIECE. His prized possession. His very own special creation. And I'll tell you, he really wanted me to tell you this today.

So i was studying my bible innocently in the course of the week (off topic from this mail) when he (God) suddenly interrupted me and told me to begin writing all that i am telling you now because he wants you to hear it! How fierce is that love huhn?!

Instead of comparing yourself or feeling like you don't "qualify" as being enough, trust your life into the hands of Jesus and find fulfillment in him. Also consciously begin to DEVELOP yourself while at it. Work on those character flaws and weaknesses that are preventing you from being a better version of your self (and hey, everyone has this). Work towards becoming more caring, loving and supportive towards people around you and generally aim to live a life of doing good- not because you are trying to qualify or impress, but because you want to be the best for yourself.

I once saw a word photo that said "the grass looks greener on the other side because it is often watered and mowed!

For some people, you have had seeds of rejection and hatred sown into your life from childhood..either by your father, mother, siblings, friends or relatives, and you have grown up with that vacuum of multiple insecurities, feeling unloved, unaccepted or undeserving. Jesus wants you to know that you don't need to live your life from that place of hustle and pressure, because he loves and accepts you completely- It is not about what you do or don't do.

For some others, you feel as if your life is lacking in one major thing- it could be anything. So you often say oh, if only i had just studied a different course, then my career would have been more guaranteed. If only i was more beautiful,  then i would have been more accepted. If only i was born to rich parents, then i would have better chances at life. If only i was taller, more intelligent, less extroverted more this, less that..and the list continues. Naa, you don't need anything extra. Jesus has created you perfectly already. Has given you your best life already. Choose to accept YOU the way he has made you.

Basing your worth on human standards is useless. It becomes an endless chase that never truly completes you.

Only the God-sized love can fill that hole in your heart. Let Jesus love you! He wants you to know, that the works of his hands are perfect, and since he made you, you are right in his perfection! (Psalm 111:2)

Never feel pressured to go out of your way, bend rules and compromise yourself to impress anyone or be like someone else. You are fabulous enough the way you are. Don't let the enemy trap you. Fix your gaze on your savior's acceptance of you.

 Embrace you.
Love you.
Do you.
Exhibit you.
Maximize you.
Encourage you.
Appreciate you.

You are kind, thoughtful, loving, amazing, beautiful, strong and unique.

There are 7.6 billion of us on planet earth and yet there is only one of you.


No one shares your finger print, DNA, footprint, hair texture, dentition, complexion, and other of your unique features with you. I don't know how you see it, but that's a pretty strong message from your creator!

He says you are his best creation yet!

I once watched a documentary of a guy born disabled- speech impediment, 85% blindness, stunted growth, hunch back and some other bodily complications. Yet he was so happy, content, living purposefully, and sharing the love of Jesus to the world. I still remember his simple opening words in that documentary because it shook me to my core. He said "Though disabled to the world, i am able to God"


That's a guy that has chosen to love and accept himself just the way his creator made him.

I want to encourage you Sis, no matter where you are now or what your life currently looks like, know that you are good enough. Jesus is writing a beautiful story out of your broken life/situation. Don't wait for the world to define you or categorize you or even validate you.The world will never fully accept you or see you as enough. Make the choice today to accept ABBA'S approval of you- pressure free.

Live your best life!


Love ya so much!
PS: Check out this inspiring video/testimony of a suicidal man turned world traveler who now preaches the gospel fiercely!  Here:

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