Monday, March 2, 2020





Hey Sisterss.

Today the question that the Lord put on my heart to ask you is "Who is your true source?"

Who is your provider? God or your Salary/credit card?
Who is your protector? God or your gateman?
Who is your healer? God or the doctor/drugs?
Where is your refuge? God or your Network circle?
Who is your way maker? God or your certificate?
Who is your defender? God or your lawyer?

Who is truly your source?

Hear me on this sisters. Nothing and no one else should be your source except GOD.

For many, you might profess God to be your true source with your mouth yet your actions speak differently. But how authentic are your words?

You know you have started to make something/someone else your source when they are the first people you run to in your time of need. You get into a bad situation but you reach out to your phone first to call a friend, spouse, relative or loved one wayy before you think of talking to God about it. It shows that your trust has shifted/is gradually shifting from him (God) to other people.

My friend and i recently got into a bad situation on the road. We were on our way to the mall when her car suddenly broke down from nowhere! The car was smoking badly and was just in terrible shape. We came out feeling stranded but immediately it happened, we started to pray in tongues under our breath asking God to take control wayy before dialing the mechanic.


Because that is where our hope and our trust is. Because God NOT the mechanic is our shied...Some officials soon came and accosted us and ended up towing her vehicle to their office plus asking for a ridiculous fine (I'm praying for Nigeria!) yet we were not moved. Because God was our focus. We knew he would come through.

All these places and people outside of God are unfit and unstable to put our trust in. If they were absolutely dependable as a result of skill and expertise, then they should come through every single time.  Then the doctors should save every life.  But they can't. The security officials should prevent every armed robber and vandalizer from attacking people but they can't. Getting a degree should be able to secure one's future but we both know that it cannot!

You can have all these things in place and it still would not guarantee anything for real for real! Only JESUS is the firm foundation on which you can stand firm, safe and secure.

Has your hope for your life unknowingly shifted from God to any other thing/place/person? It's time to repent and retrace your steps back to God.

It takes facing a little hiccup in life to know that this world truly has nothing to offer. People buy the best cars but still get in accidents and lose their lives. Some others get in wreckless commercial vehicles all year round and are 100% protected. It is not the means of transportation, it is the person in whom you trust.

God is your source. He is your true provider. Your true protector. Your true healer. Your true deliverer. Your true defender. The earth as we know it alongside everything in it is fading away. Your hope CANNOT be on this earth. This earth is too temporal. One day, the earth as we know it would not be here anymore. Only God and the relationship we have with him truly matters in the end. (1 John 2:7)

Not that earthly things are bad, but they must NEVER become our source. They make terrible gods. We cannot trust in them. They will fail us. Only Jesus will be faithful to us.

If you feel led in your heart to re-channel your ultimate focus back to Jesus, then say this prayer with me:

Dear Jesus, i come before you just as i am, acknowledging that i have indeed shifted my gaze from you as the true source of my life. I repent and turn back to you. I will henceforth trust you with my entire life, as you help me. Be my source and hope. Have your way in my life in Jesus name. Amen.

Congratulations Sister! Jesus is so excited to move in mighty ways in your life.

PS: I challenge you to share this mail with someone, anyone you know who needs to read it. That is the truest test of friendship!

PPS: I apologize for not sending this mail yesterday. I was in a prayer meeting till dawn)

SCRIPTURAL MEDITATION: Psalm 23. (Ayee. Refuse to procrastinate. Open up your Bible/Bible app and meditate on it asap.)

Love you Sisters. Always!

Abba loves you very much.


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