Monday, March 9, 2020





Hey Sis!

So all week the reminder that God put on my heart for you is to sound a reminder to you to remember to take care of yourself. Don't exhaust yourself with the pursuit of diverse goals in life that you forget to mind your self and take care of you.

Amidst the craziness and busyness of this world and your plates dripping full with activities almost all the time, Jesus wants you to pause, breathe, rest and remember to do yourself good.

Many of us are lost already in our world of career, business, or educational pursuit (etc) that we barely remember ourselves as an entity that also needs to be attended to.

You have one life. One bodily vessel to serve you in this life, and the chase will all be worthless if you are in bad shape mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychologically. Don't get so immersed with work that you forget to rest, smile and make out some "me" time.

Jesus needs you totally WHOLE and in your best shape to be able to serve your unique purpose on the earth.

A broken vessel cannot hold oil.


If  you are leaking in any or many areas of your life, you  CANNOT do much for yourself or for Jesus.

As ironic and as simple as that sounds, it is the truth.

That is why God always wants you calm, rested, and living in peace.

"It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones" Psalm 127:2 (NLT)

Take out time to take care of yourself.  Rest, travel, go on personal retreats, sight-see, have your quiet-time with Jesus, see a clean movie, visit a new restaurant, book a spa appointment, read your favorite books, spend time indoors etc.

Basically, be big on "ME" time .

It doesn't even cost that much yet it fixes a lot on the inside of you!

How is it that we are running after one thing or the other from January till December and at the end of it all we are tired, exhausted, unfulfilled and restless even after we have achieved all we wanted? It's because we are not taking life easy. It's because we are forgetting about ourselves in all of it.

Lagos is such an enslaving city. (I'm sorry, I live in Lagos too,lol and the same applies to fast cities). It just zaps you till you are zero and running on empty. It takes and takes from you and keeps making these many demands on your time that if you are not careful, you can get caught up in all the rat-racing and never have time for 'you' let alone taking care of you.

We just keep living that dangerous cycle of giving and giving so much of ourselves that by the time we realize it, we are broken, unhealthy, frustrated and dissatisfied on our inside and we cannot understand why.

Well, the reason is simple. No body was created to just go and keep going without stopping to recharge, refuel and refresh for the next step. You can NEVER be your best self if you are caught up in the busyness and craziness of life.

So pause, slow down, and remember to take care of yourself. Have quiet times when you sit and organize your life while making plans for your future.

Somehow, we end up isolating Jesus from this part of our lives because we feel he is too spiritual and is only interested in our spiritual lives.


He created the other aspects of your life- your mental, emotional, psychological, physical, etc life-  and is very interested in you thriving in all those other areas wholly and completely.

I personally have been learning to appreciate the time i make out to take care of myself.

I like to go out, sight see, clean my face out once every month, get my manicure/pedicure done often, invest in my health/lifestyle/well-being and definitely spend lots of indoor time alone with Jesus. So refreshing. He fills me up with a kind of strength and vigor  no one else in the world can ever give me. I wish i could explain it better.

As much as we are warrior women, fighters, overcomers, etc, we are also QUEENS of the Most High! Amen? Amen! We must never neglect that beautiful, feminine side of us that makes Jesus look super attractive on us. (*flips hair*).
Fast and pray all night if you want to, but remember to step out looking like the gorgeous Queen that you are, always! (Esther 5:1&2)

What steps are you going to take this week towards taking care of yourself? I'll love to hear all about it!


Love you so much.

Abba loves you very much.


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