Sunday, March 29, 2020



How have you been all week?

I feel like it's been years since i last mailed you. Lol. That's obviously because there is a lot going on in the world currently, and a day has been feeling like a week. Hahaha.  Do you agree?

Soo, the world is undeniably in a state of distress as a result of the virus outbreak, everyone knows this already and the panic in the hearts of men and women continues to rise as the cases of victims rise alongside globally.

However, as Christians, we are always at an advantage in the face of everything we would ever face or go through.

I've personally been taking time to groan out to God in the place of prayer & intercession asking that he intervenes and heals the Nations. (By the way, Queen on Wings is going to be raising a fifteen(15)  minutes prayer unto the Lord for deliverance in the next 3 days, but I'll save this info for the announcement corner).

Its been a truly trying time and the hearts of the saints are fainting. I believe that among many other things, the Lord allowed the world to go on a "compulsory holiday" for a reason- He wants the hearts of his children drawn back to him!

For many years, the  most frequent excuse that many of us have given God is the excuse of TIME. We don't have time.

We say "Lord, I'd love to spend time with you but i have a job that demands so much of my time. Lord, I'd love to be more committed to studying your word and spending time in worship, but i have to hustle and feed my family. I have a business meeting, i have to travel, i have kids..." and the list goes on. But now that the world is on a lock-down mode, what is your excuse again?

Come back to the Father. The time is now. Spend time with Jesus. Set yourself apart with fasting and ministering unto him. Love on him. You are on a compulsory holiday now and you have come face to face with Jesus. You have to confront all the different excuses you have been giving him over the past years and make amends.

Now i don't know how long this lock-down situation would last, but i do hope that you would make the most out of it.

Sis, are you listening to me? This is super important.

If you've never read your New testament from start to finish, this is your opportunity. If you haven't finished the Bible plan you started on your bible app since last year, now is the time. If you've never been able to sit and pray/worship without getting a call from work or a business client, this is the time to sit still, no body is going to call you!

Now you have the time to finish reading/writing that book, take that online course you have been postponing, listen to that sermon that has been on your phone

I just wish you would take this time as seriously as God desires for you to. Use it to mend the broken relationship you have with him. Use it to draw closer to his heart.

Don't waste this time being on social media all day and stalking every celebrities post and arguing online and participating in unnecessary online "challenges" that do not edify your spirit. Don't waste this time away  gisting or complaining about the government and the state of the world all day.

Remember that the bible says we would give an account of EVERYTHING we do here on earth.

"So then everyone of us shall give account of himself to God."
Romans 14:12 (KJV)

Don't waste your time and your life doing that which profits NOTHING. Make the best use of your time.

In case you have wandered or strayed away from God, this is the time to return back to him. Repent of your sins and welcome him back into your life and begin a brand new beautiful spiritual journey with him.

What is happening all over the world are birth pangs that indicate that the end of the world is near.

"There will be violent earthquakes, and in various places famines and deadly and devastating pestilences(plagues, epidemics); and there will be terrible sights and great signs from heaven". Luke 21:11 (AMP)

The Bible already talked about what we are experiencing now, so it should be no news to us, rather it should be a MESSAGE to us that Jesus is coming back. Lets not get caught up with this world and forget the most crucial thing we should be living for.

I don't know about you, but for me, the whole essence of the struggles and challenges i face here on earth to live for God's glory is to be able to spend forever with him in heaven. What an oh so amazing moment!

My prayer is that when Jesus returns he would not dawn on you like a thief in the night. I pray that your heart will be ready to meet him whenever he returns or calls you home in Jesus name, Amen.

This is the first time in the history of the world where the world is on a stand-still like this. Quite unbelievable.

Our world is so fast-paced and so noisy that i have found it so hard to believe that it could actually quiet down.

Now that it is quiet, take the initiative and begin to own your time. I personally have been outlining my schedule everyday from when i rise in the morning to when i go to bed at night, filling it with activities that can trigger true, tangible growth. I hope that you would do the same too.

In the midst of it all, here are 4 amazing keys to help you live wisely-

i) Spend tons of time with Jesus. Sis, you know i always gotta say this. lol. because it is soooo key!!

ii) Be spiritually alert. Pray, intercede, worship, and declare the word of God.

iii) Do NOT give in to fear. Fear is not of God. The enemy wants you to feel powerless so that he can keep attacking your mind. Stand on the word of God and resist him.

iv) Build you self up. This is such a great time for self improvement and personal development.

v) Remember to follow through with your health routine. (Not out of fear, but wisdom and precaution). Wash, sanitize, clean, and stay safe.

Love you Sisters.
Abba loves you unconditionally.

Your Sister, Regina Uzoma.

i) Queen on Wings is going to be raising a fifteen(15)  minutes prayer unto the Lord for deliverance in the next 3 days beginning from tomorrow. Let me know if you will be joining by mail so i can send you our PRAYER FOCUS.

ii) Let's connect on social media! I have been stirred of recent to post uplifting content to encourage you in this season and beyond. I'm on Instagram as @_uzorr and facebook as Regina Uzoma.

That would be all for now Sis.

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