Friday, July 20, 2018



You can’t fit in everywhere.
There has to be a space where you were created to be in and function effectively there.
Be content with it.
Don’t feel you aren’t good enough. Because you were made in the image and likeness of a God who is good enough.
Just embrace who you are and love your place.

Never compare your life with any other or wish you were another. Never look at a person and wish you were him or her.
Comparison is the thief of potential. It cripples you and constantly has you doubting yourself.
We all can’t be everything, and that’s what makes it even all the more special.
That’s what makes your flavor bud because not everyone has it.
Just embrace who you are and love your place.

Why do you think your neighbor is better than you?
The garden always looks better from afar.
That person is just someone that has found their space and is cultivating it.
You too can. Don’t get too busy admiring another person’s lawn that you can’t even see that you have the raw materials to build yours too, and even better.
Just embrace who you are and love your place.

God has you exactly where he wants you to be.
Harness all the potential he has put in you
Shine your light and let it burn bright
Be yourself, because there is beauty in your uniqueness.

I remember once upon a time
When I didn’t see the abilities in me
I rarely functioned because I doubted I could get it right
It’s sad how much we deny ourselves when we are constantly forcing to fit into another man’s corner.
What’s wrong with you the way you are?
Let me answer that. Nothing!
You just need to see differently like I began to.
The world is waiting for you daily as the clock ticks.
You know why?
Because it has just one of you.
Don’t each of the stars radiate in their own unique way?
Just embrace who you are and love your place.

I knew who I wanted to be but I wasn’t sure I could get there, because my eyes were too busy roaming to look for who I felt was doing it better and that would cripple me. Every time I wanted to try, I would say “There is no point”. How many times have you said that to yourself and how many times has that hindered you?
Well, there is a point. And that point is that you are unique in your own way, and though you may have the exact same gift as another, your destiny is still different. Your audience in life is different. Your impact too will be different.
Nothing else brings joy and fulfillment like walking your own path, doing your own thing and coloring your own space…
Just embrace who you are and love your place.

It’s your unique rhythm. Find it, and sing it to the world! 


  1. Such insightful and truthful words. Comparison is so crippling, it takes away the beauty of you and leaves only percieved shortcomings which will just pull you down and kill your creativity and originality. Honestly everyone should just focus on being the best they can be. The person you want to be like secretly wants to be like you too. Just let go of all negativity and try to find happiness wherever you are.
    Inspirational words yet again Regina. Great job. Thanks for the motivation and reminder that we are unique, we are more than enough.😊

  2. Thanks for the timely reminder dear.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nice work on the blog, Jina.
    You would do a lot of good via that platform dearie. A lot of good.

    Its our prayer that you forever stay aflame for God🙏

  5. Words on the marble... fulfilment of destiny is a personal project between one person and his/her God...
