Do you see God's love through your pain?
Hey Sis!
Tonight, the Lord asked me to encourage those of you who are going through a rough time in any area of your life and are doubting His love for you as a result.
The Lord showed me that some of you ladies are going through some rough and difficult situations and the love of God just seems so foreign and far-fetched to you. Like you are in that place of asking "If God loves me, why am i going through this? why is He letting this happen to me"?
I know sis, I know that place. I've been many times in situations where it was just so difficult to grasp the concept of God being a good and loving Father yet allowing me go through suffering, pain and difficult situations, and i know that you may be feeling that same way right now.
It's so easy to think about how 'mean' God must be for allowing us go through what we are going through, rarely seeing His heart of love. Indeed, there was a time when I couldn't figure out for the life of me why God let me go through so much hard stuff when He claimed to love me. When things got rough, i immediately began to doubt His love for me because my fickle mind equated his love with pure bliss.
Not so.
There are many examples in the Bible to prove this. The Father loved the son Jesus, yet sent Him to the cross to die a painful death. Jesus loved Lazarus and His family, yet allowed him to die from illness and only showed up on the scene four whole days after He was told. God loved Abraham and called him His friend yet made him wait all his life for the son of promise. The examples continue.
Oh, how wrong it is to think that just because God loves you, you wouldn't go through stuff!
Make no mistake about this, God's love is perfect, but does not absorb us from hard times. No where in scripture was that promised. The faster you come to terms with this, the easier it is for you to scale through hard times.
You would go through difficult stuff in life here on earth, but as you go through it, remember that God's love for you is absolutely unwavering if only you would believe it and connect to Him. Don't allow your pain pull you away from him, instead allow it pull you closer to His heart.
The God kind of love is purely unconditional- And I want that to register in your mind.
The most important thing you need to note the next time you are going through a difficult situation, is that there is always a lesson in it for you and that is the most important thing that God wants you to pick out of your tough times.
"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow" James 1:2 (NLT)
Trials, tough times and challenges help you grow. God is using these things to mold you into a more Christ-like form, so count it all joy! Don't give up on God and on your trust in His love for you.
Maybe you are dealing with loss, pain, ill health, poverty, failures, rejection, abuse or whatever else today. God wanted me to tell you that He loves you and will never ever stop loving you no matter what, and I pray that you will always find strength and comfort in ABBA's unwavering love for you.
MEDITATION SCRIPTURE: Romans 8:28 (ESV)- "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
Abba loves you so much << Test First Name >>
Love always,
Regina U.
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