Are you showing up at what God called you to do?
Hey Sisters!!
How ya doing today? Hope well?
So tonight, i wanted to ask you- What has God called you to do? Are you
showing up diligently at it or are you running from your call and
burying your gifts?
The Lord wanted me to ask you that question because this subject of
gifting is so important in the Kingdom of God. God is an investor and an
astute business man. He has made investments in each and every one of
us by endowing us with different giftings and abilities with the intent
that we would put them to use and yield returns for his glory.
To understand this picture better, i would encourage you to study
Matthew 25:14-30 afterwards. It's the famous Parable of the Talents and
it perfectly illustrates how God wants us to use our giftings.
"To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to
each according to his ability. Then he went away. He who had received
the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five
talents more. So also he who had the two talents made two talents more.
But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and
hid his master's money " Matthew 25:15 (ESV)
From the scripture, notice that firstly, he gave to each of them and
secondly, he gave according to their ability. If you have a certain
talent, it's because you are suited for it. You have been built to give
expression to it.
The thing with putting your gift to use is that there are a lot of
people on the other side of your obedience waiting to be blessed and
inspired by what you carry, and the more you hide or bury your gifts,
the more you sit on people's blessings.
Has God called you to do something with the gifts, endowments,
abilities, potentials, enablements, skills and talents he has given you?
Then it's time to show up and stop giving excuses!
How much longer do you want to keep the people in your generation waiting?
Remember we are going to give an account to God for every single thing
he gave us and how we have used it here on earth, just like the master
in this parable came back and asked to settle accounts with the
servants. (Matthew 25:19)
God is not happy when you fail to use what he has given to you or fail
to show up at what he has called you to do. He can barely tolerate it
when you just take up space on the earth but bear no fruit for his
Luke 13:6-7 tells the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree:
"And he told this parable: "A man had a fig tree planted in his
vineyard and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. And he said to
the vinedresser, 'Look, for three years now i have come seeking fruit on
this fig tree and i find none. Cut it down, why should it use up the
Did you notice what the owner of the fig tree said to do to the fig tree
that wasn't bearing fruit? He said to cut it down. That's pretty
The fig owner is God and we are the fig trees. When we fail to bear
fruit with our lives and the things that God has blessed and endowed us
with, God sees it as us just taking up space for no use.
I pray that that is not you in Jesus name. And even if that is presently
you, i pray that you will find the grace to make amends and begin to
walk in obedience to God.
I was praying with my sister-friend at night in the course of the week
over the phone, and with my eyes shut tight, i began to see a vision. In
that vision, i saw a fully decorated hall with chairs all over the
room, but then i noticed that the chairs were empty. No body was in the
room, yet it was decorated and fully set for a great event but nobody
showed up!
As i looked on, the Lord began to tell me that those empty chairs were
meant to be occupied by people of my generation whom he has called,
commissioned or committed a task to but they aren't showing up at duty
post and so the chairs are empty!
They are people that have been invited severally by the Father to come
and co-labor with him to birth his will on the earth but they just
wouldn't come. They are constantly giving too many excuses like- I'm
still in school, i just got married, i just started a business, i don't
know what people would think of me, etc
"And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, "The Kingdom of
heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son,
and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding
feast but they would not come...they paid no attention and went off, one
to his farm, another to his business..." Matthew 22:1-3 (ESV)
Wowza, That's sad.
That definitely breaks the heart of the Father.
But sis, it's never to late to begin using all your giftings (according
to the measure that God has given you) and to begin showing up at where
and what ABBA has called you to do.
Begin to show up even when you don't feel like it or feel qualified for
it. If God has called you to it, be sure that he has equipped you for
it. (Hebrews 13:21)
Your obedience is what matters most.
Purpose in your heart to begin doing things differently going forward,
and i pray that God will give you the grace you need to make it through.
-You can still download my new book "Loud and Clear" if you haven't!
It's such a great yet simple guide on how to hear, know and discern the
voice of God. Best part? It is FREE. Download here:
-I created a virtual platform (whatsapp group) for Single ladies in
waiting! Yaay. If you are single, and in need of encouragement,
accountability and a family to do life with, come join our whatsapp room
now using this link:
That would be all for now.
Love always.
Regina U.
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