Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Do you see God's love through your pain?

Hey Sis!

Tonight, the Lord asked me to encourage those of you who are going through a rough time in any area of your life and are doubting His love for you as a result.

The Lord showed me that some of you ladies are going through some rough and difficult situations and the love of God just seems so foreign and far-fetched to you. Like you are in that place of asking "If God loves me, why am i going through this? why is He letting this happen to me"?

I know sis, I know that place. I've been many times in situations where it was just so difficult to grasp the concept of God being a good and loving Father yet allowing me go through suffering, pain and difficult situations, and i know that you may be feeling that same way right now.

It's so easy to think about how 'mean' God must be for allowing us go through what we are going through, rarely seeing His heart of love. Indeed, there was a time when I couldn't figure out for the life of me why God let me go through so much hard stuff when He claimed to love me. When things got rough, i immediately began to doubt His love for me because my fickle mind equated his love with pure bliss.

Not so.

There are many examples in the Bible to prove this. The Father loved the son Jesus, yet sent Him to the cross to die a painful death. Jesus loved Lazarus and His family, yet allowed him to die from illness and only showed up on the scene four whole days after He was told. God loved Abraham and called him His friend yet made him wait all his life for the son of promise. The examples continue.

Oh, how wrong it is to think that just because God loves you, you wouldn't go through stuff!

Make no mistake about this, God's love is perfect, but does not absorb us from hard times. No where in scripture was that promised.  The faster you come to terms with this, the easier it is for you to scale through hard times.

You would go through difficult stuff in life here on earth, but as you go through it, remember that God's love for you is absolutely unwavering if only you would believe it and connect to Him. Don't allow your pain pull you away from him, instead allow it pull you closer to His heart.

The God kind of love is purely unconditional- And I want that to register in your mind.

The most important thing you need to note the next time you are going through a difficult situation, is that there is always a lesson in it for you and that is the most important thing that God wants you to pick out of your tough times.

"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow" James 1:2 (NLT)

Trials, tough times and challenges help you grow. God is using these things to mold you into a more Christ-like form, so count it all joy! Don't give up on God and on your trust in His love for you.

Maybe you are dealing with loss, pain, ill health, poverty, failures, rejection, abuse or whatever else today. God wanted me to tell you that He loves you and will never ever stop loving you no matter what, and I pray that you will always find strength and comfort in ABBA's unwavering love for you.

MEDITATION SCRIPTURE: Romans 8:28 (ESV)- "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."

Abba loves you so much << Test First Name >>

Love always,

Regina U.

- A lot of iPhone users have complained about their difficulty in downloading my new book "Loud and Clear". If you are in that category, ayee, no worries. I have attached a copy of it to this mail so feel free to download using the link below:


- If you are single & in waiting, and you need some encouragement, accountability, godly counsel and an amazing community to do life with, you are welcome to join our 'Single Ladies Suite' platform on whatsapp. We'd love to have you! Use this link:


Are you showing up at what God called you to do?

Hey Sisters!!

How ya doing today? Hope well?

So tonight, i wanted to ask you- What has God called you to do? Are you showing up diligently at it or are you running from your call and burying your gifts?

The Lord wanted me to ask you that question because this subject of gifting is so important in the Kingdom of God. God is an investor and an astute business man. He has made investments in each and every one of us by endowing us with different giftings and abilities with the intent that we would put them to use and yield returns for his glory.

To understand this picture better, i would encourage you to study Matthew 25:14-30 afterwards. It's the famous Parable of the Talents and it perfectly illustrates how God wants us to use our giftings.

"To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more. So also he who had the two talents made two talents more. But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master's money " Matthew 25:15 (ESV)

From the scripture, notice that firstly, he gave to each of them and secondly, he gave according to their ability. If you have a certain talent, it's because you are suited for it. You have been built to give expression to it.

The thing with putting your gift to use is that there are a lot of people on the other side of your obedience waiting to be blessed and inspired by what you carry, and the more you hide or bury your gifts, the more you sit on people's blessings.


Has God called you to do something with the gifts, endowments, abilities, potentials, enablements, skills and talents he has given you? Then it's time to show up and stop giving excuses!

How much longer do you want to keep the people in your generation waiting?

Remember we are going to give an account to God for every single thing he gave us and how we have used it here on earth, just like the master in this parable came back and asked to settle accounts with the servants. (Matthew 25:19)

God is not happy when you fail to use what he has given to you or fail to show up at what he has called you to do. He can barely tolerate it when you just take up space on the earth but bear no fruit for his Kingdom.

Luke 13:6-7 tells the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree:

"And he told this parable: "A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. And he said to the vinedresser, 'Look, for three years now i have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and i find none. Cut it down, why should it use up the ground?"

Did you notice what the owner of the fig tree said to do to the fig tree that wasn't bearing fruit? He said to cut it down. That's pretty serious!

The fig owner is God and we are the fig trees. When we fail to bear fruit with our lives and the things that God has blessed and endowed us with, God sees it as us just taking up space for no use.

I pray that that is not you in Jesus name. And even if that is presently you, i pray that you will find the grace to make amends and begin to walk in obedience to God.

I was praying with my sister-friend at night in the course of the week over the phone, and with my eyes shut tight, i began to see a vision. In that vision, i saw a fully decorated hall with chairs all over the room, but then i noticed that the chairs were empty. No body was in the room, yet it was decorated and fully set for a great event but nobody showed up!

As i looked on, the Lord began to tell me that those empty chairs were meant to be occupied by people of my generation whom he has called, commissioned or committed a task to but they aren't showing up at duty post and so the chairs are empty!

They are people that have been invited severally by the Father to come and co-labor with him to birth his will on the earth but they just wouldn't come. They are constantly giving too many excuses like- I'm still in school, i just got married, i just started a business, i don't know what people would think of me, etc

"And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, "The Kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son, and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding feast but they would not come...they paid no attention and went off, one to his farm, another to his business..." Matthew 22:1-3 (ESV)

Wowza, That's sad.

That definitely breaks the heart of the Father.

But sis, it's never to late to begin using all your giftings (according to the measure that God has given you) and to begin showing up at where and what ABBA has called you to do.

Begin to show up even when you don't feel like it or feel qualified for it. If God has called you to it, be sure that he has equipped you for it. (Hebrews 13:21)

Your obedience is what matters most.

Purpose in your heart to begin doing things differently going forward, and i pray that God will give you the grace you need to make it through.



-You can still download my new book "Loud and Clear" if you haven't! It's such a great yet simple guide on how to hear, know and discern the voice of God. Best part? It is FREE. Download here:https://selar.co/jth8

-I created a virtual platform (whatsapp group) for Single ladies in waiting! Yaay. If you are single, and in need of encouragement, accountability and a family to do life with, come join our whatsapp room now using this link:https://chat.whatsapp.com/LoP6GKbxyw37H4bvOQQvS7

That would be all for now.

Love always.

Regina U.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Oh hey new book + Single Sisters!!

Hey Sis Hey!!

I've got super good news for you.

Drum rolls....My new e-book is out!!

It's called "Loud and Clear- A guide to hearing God's Voice" and it is the best book guide you can find to help you gain mastery of hearing, knowing, and discerning the voice of God. I know because i get a lot of questions on this subject and I have tried to answer it all at a go in this book. GOOD STUFF.

<< Test First Name >> I can't even begin to gist you about how God would wake me up in the middle of the night and keep me up till dawn just writing this book for you. Pheew. Such an experience. He loves you like that.

The best part of this news? IT'S FREE!! This e-book is completely  free. Ha, I know!! It has absolutely been paid for by your Daddy in heaven, so you get it for free. I can't say too much for now, all i can tell you is that it would change your life. I PROMISE. It's super short and easy to read, about 30 pages of bursting godly wisdom and insight. Head on now and download it while it's free. Thank God later.


Side bar: Make sure you don't join the bandwagon of those who pride in downloading so many books but never sitting to read any. You are different and 2020 is your year to get it together. (Hugs hugs)**

Sooo, on to the mail for today.

I want to introduce to you....Queen on Wings Single Ladies Suite!!

A hub for all our single ladies to gather and do life together in God. Sounds good yeah?

I know i have quite a number of single(unmarried) women in this community and the Lord has been putting a burden for you on my heart a lot! (I'm single too, so let's group hug hahahaha)

I know that this season can be hard, tough and frustrating and the challenges that come with it can be overwhelming if not handled well.

One of the ways to make it through your single season is accountability and community, i advise that all the time, cos we need each other.

Behind the scene: I picked this burden for single women a long time ago, but it really became unbearable last year as i continued to counsel, cry with, and encourage my dearest sisters who had become frustrated with their season.

I've cried, prayed and interceded for you consistently in my secret place in the last couple of months until the other day while studying, i heard the Lord say to me so clearly "Start encouraging single ladies" and began to explain how and boi, do i know that voice!! Lol, no hiding for me. I tried to run away, and I'm not sure why it took me so long to get the memo. But the Lord sees your secret tears and pain, and he wants to help you.

So aye << Test First Name >>, I'm starting a whatsapp group for this purpose!

It's a virtual platform for accountability, encouragement, community, wisdom and godly counsel for single women where we can all learn from and strengthen each other.  I promise you, no noise or drama will be allowed, we would just  focus on encouraging, soul-lifting activities that would push you in the right direction.

If you are single, in waiting and trusting God for a good marriage, and you feel tugged on in your heart to connect, you should come onboard sis. You were not created to do life alone.

Click this link to join our whatsapp room asap:


Ahh! I'm so excited about where God is taking Queen on Wings Sisterhood and how he is going to use us as LIGHT as well as spark off a marriage revolution in these days, and i hope that you would be a part of it too.

PS: You should share this email with a friend, there is too much goodness in it!!

I love you, and see you in the whatsapp room.

Abba loves you very much.



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Keep your fire burning.

Hey Sis!

Happy weekend.

I trust that your weekend is coming up nice?


If you are in Lagos, then you should have gotten an inkling from the news that our journey to normalcy as a state and indeed as a Nation has begun and whew, aren't we just so excited about that?!?

As much as we are excited about it, we need to watch out, especially as regards our spiritual life. We need to be super  careful that what we have built in terms of our relationship and fellowship with Jesus does not begin to wane when life goes back to 'normal'.

It's interesting because God told me this about 5 days before the president's address and i didn't even know that the outcome of his address was going to go in the direction that it went.

It means that God who already saw ahead of world events, had begun making plans to protect his favorite girls and make sure that they never depart from his presence again even after the world overcomes this virus.

The Lord told me tonight to remind you that the fire on your altar must never go down even if the world goes back to it's normal state.

"Fire shall be kept burning on the altar continually; it shall not go out" Leviticus 6:13 (ESV)

During this entire covid-19 episode, because it was a compulsory holiday for the whole world, many of us have been forced to reflect, reckon, evaluate and prioritize. We've been honest with ourselves enough to admit that we can actually do things better with our lives, and how we are living it. That's really what God wanted - for us to stop right in the midst of life's rat race, and ask ourselves some deep questions about how we are spending our time and if at all we are investing it in the things that matter. This has been achieved considerably.

But Sis, the Lord DOES NOT want you to go back to being lukewarm or non-nonchalant about your relationship with him afterwards.

When the stores are no longer locked and there are no restrictions on our movement again, would you still make the Lord a priority? Would you still make out time to worship him and sing praises to his name when you have your entire freedom back? Would  you still enjoy his presence and invest quality time in scriptural study or would you go back to giving non-stop excuses?

I pray that your answer is in the affirmative, and that beyond giving an answer with your lips, you will put in the work required to stand by the decision you are making tonight. Because that is truly what Jesus is wants.

Sis, no matter how busy you become post-covid, please ensure that your priorities are always set on Jesus and him being at the center of your life, and that your  fellowship with the Holy Spirit continues to take precedence over and above every other thing that matters to you.

That is the only way to ensure true GROWTH.

The Lord wanted me to tell you this personally and specifically because he says he has been deeply enjoying your quiet time and daily fellowship with him and he doesn't want for it to stop or diminish at all, he wants it to continue FoEva!

So sis, as we slowly reintegrate back into our normal cycle- wake up, dash off to work/school/store or anywhere else, let's not forget that the fire on our personal altars must never go down and that we must pray without ceasing. We must be careful not to quench the presence and the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

"Pray without ceasing...do not quench the Spirit"
1 Thessalonians 5:17-19 (ESV)

Remember that the fire needs wood to burn its brightest and that without wood the fire begins to diminish. This wood is our daily investment in the Word and in prayer. If the fire diminishes, we open the door to the enemy to come into our lives and DECEIVE us, and that is certainly not what Jesus wants for us.

As long as you remain willing, hungry and desirous of grooming your relationship with Jesus, he will always be willing to help you and stick with you.

This is so important because it would be useless to have gone on this long break if we lose every thing we gathered spiritually during this holiday in the twinkle of an eye.

What are some practical ways to keep your fire burning?:

i) Praying always in the spirit
ii) Bible study
iii) Listening to anointed Worship music
iv) Being accountable to trusted Christian brethren
v) Associating with people who are on fire for God as well
vi) Listening to Christian tapes & Videos
vi) Reading Christian books and articles
vii) Avoiding distraction and unnecessary social media exposure (it can drain your fire in no time)

I hope this helps, and I hope that you truly will keep holding on and never quit on your journey with Christ. Keep pursuing after him desperately and i know he will help you.

PS: Remember to clock in on your prayer and word time daily, spending a minimum of 20 minutes on each activity.


Love you so much,


Regina U.


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Hey Sis hey!!

Happy Fri-yay!

How ya doing?

I hope that your holiday is becoming as interesting as mine and that you have begun to find true purpose in the midst of this unexpected hiccup? Yes!

You know it's not so much about what happens to you in life as it is about how you respond to it so aye, cheers to making the most of every situation!

Anyways, that's not my word for tonight even though that was for someone. Hahaha. Amen? Amen.

The question for you today is "Is your eye healthy"?

"The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness..." Matthew 6:22-23 (ESV)

I had been talking to the Lord in the cause of the week asking him what he wanted me share about in this week's mail, and while randomly studying Matthew 6, i got to this verse and the Lord said 'Stop! Right there! '

He wanted me to ask you if you have been keeping your eye healthy and your whole body full of light.

Do you know what 'lamp of the body' means from the scripture above?

It means that your eye is the light of your soul.

It means that your eye is the window to your soul and what you open and expose it to will determine whether your whole body will be full of light or darkness.

Knowing and understanding this, what then have you been letting into your soul?

The function of the eye is so critical yet so overlooked. We see pictures everyday of our environment, surrounding, etc. We watch TV shows, movies, videos, read books and novels everyday, but how much filter are we putting on those things we are letting our eyes feed on and what is the standard we are adapting?

Sisters, it is so important that you begin to guard your soul jealously and stop being careless with the things you are letting into it. God's standard must become your standard, and you know his standard through his written word.

Your eye is one of the gateways into your soul alongside your ear, nose, mouth and skin but the eye happens to be the most critical of all the gateways because it deals with sight. And sight is one of the most defining things about life.

And if our eyes are feeding on unhealthy things, then our lives are in danger.

Guard your gates, especially your eyes.

Psalm 119:37 says:

"Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things, and give me life in your ways"

I encourage you to stop now and pray that scripture over yourself.

What you watch is affecting you more that you can recognize. It is shaping your life, your perspective, your habits and your choices even.

How many of you ever watched a movie and subsequently had a dream centered around what you watched, good or bad? Or you saw a picture somewhere and somehow, that image never passed from your mind? I knoww. It's real!!

That's how fast what you watch seeps into your soul!

If your eyes is that much of a super highway into your soul, then you better be guarding it jealously!

Don't make light of everything. Don't say it's just a funny video or its just for fun when it clearly contains content that is polluting your mind, body soul and spirit. No it's not just a video. It's not just a picture. It's not just a novel or a magazine.

These things have a strong impact on your soul and can even open the door to some strongholds of oppression. I know because i once opened the door to fear oppressing my life many years ago because of something i watched . And whilst i watched it, the still small voice of the Lord kept saying "Back off now. You can still back off now it's not too late". Well i chose to watch it till the end and the battle that ensued as a result of that action was not funny at all.

Your best bet is to be feeding on the right things. Clean, healthy, soul-lifting content, for your own good. The Bible will never corrupt your soul. A clean christian movie will not pollute your mind. A decent helpful magazine will never contaminate your dreams, but you have to make the conscious effort to filter what you are feeding on for your own good.

It's okay if people think you are overreacting or taking things too seriously, as long as you keep protecting your self.

And i pray right  now that the Lord will give you the grace to walk away from any and everything that has the capacity to pollute you in Jesus name. Amen!


Love you and I'm praying for you!

Abba loves you very much.

Regina U.