Hello there! Welcome! My name is Regina, and I am the founder of Queen on Wings Movement- a female-based religious organization geared towards helping women discover JESUS. My goal here is to make a positive impact on every one of my reader- whether it's hope, joy, peace, strength, encouragement, or a changed heart. Jesus is the utmost obsession of my LIFE!
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Monday, March 16, 2020
Ahh sisters,
I'm so excited to be sharing on this subject with you, because this is the life-support on which this organization is built.
Soo, what does my typical date day with Jesus look like?
Well, the first thing i do while planning to go on a date with Jesus is to search for and pick a calm, quiet and beautiful location where i can go with him uninterrupted, and then begin to plan ahead.
I keep consciously telling Jesus all the time leading up to that day that i am so excited about our DAY out together and that i cannot wait for it to come already. I deliberately remind him again and again (because he is my best friend) that i want him to talk a ton and tell me a lot so he should prepare all the gist and conversations he's been wanting us to have for that day.
So beautifully unreal!
Its like going on an actual date with a real human, only that this one is more exciting and magical!! (wink wink).
When it's due date, i grab my journal, pen, highlighter(optional), pocket Bible(a Bible app will still do), earphones to turn up some real worship music, my camera (in case i need to use my phone uninterrupted) and maybe sticker notes in case i need to emphasize on something. I wear my favorite outfit (that was picked by Jesus!), put on my make-up and some nice perfume, get me an Uber (b/c i don't want the hassle of public transport to destroy the atmosphere I've created for our date day, so yes, i include my Uber fare in my budget while planning. The sweetest thing is Jesus provides the money for me to go on our date way ahead of time, as long as i ask and keep asking. lol)
Then when I get to my selected location, I order some really nice, affordable meal, invite him to come join me, and then throw the conversation open. And boom! He starts to talk! (He loves to talk to us, but are we ready to isolate so that we can hear him?) He tells me things and i tell him things, because Jesus wants a relationship/friendship with us and wants it to be as real as it can get.
We generally don't have any off-topics, and i genuinely don't feel any pressure whatsoever to be my 'best-self' around him.
I can be my real self with him and you can too.
We talk about EVERYTHING- How good or bad my day or week was, what i need money for and exactly how much i need, what plans he has for my life in the next couple of years...you name it. I laugh out loud, blush, gush, smile and experience all those various emotions i would experience when a physical person i truly love is with me.
It's real and possible.
Open your heart to the possibilities of you and Jesus being real life buddies!!
Going on this monthly date with Jesus is for me, among many other things very therapeutic. It's so sweet, warm sincere and a great way of bonding and growing in intimacy with my King Jesus. We are Queens and spending time with him daily is part of our JD. (job description).
Whether you are married, single, or in a relationship, this is applicable to every woman because your maker is first your husband before any other human being should be recognized.
"For thy maker is thy husband, the Lord of Hosts is his name.." Isaiah 54:5 (KJV)
PS: Remember that we are supposed to spend time/fellowship with Jesus everyday without a ceremony necessarily, but a date-day is to make memories and infuse a splash of creativity in our relationship with God. It's the same fellowship we have with him daily, but in a different setting and context.
Here are a few things a date day with Jesus does:
i) Helps us to see Jesus as a real person that wants a rich intimacy with us.
ii) Helps us hear him better/communicate with him more effectively. (I get a lot of questions about how to hear God. Isolated, alone time is one of the many ways!)
iii) Make fond memories with Jesus. (the exact same reason a real-life couple would do a date day too).
iv) Defeat the idea that you need a man to make you feel loved or special. Naa. Jesus is all you need and you have all you need.
It should be done as frequently as possible until it becomes your personal tradition.
I'm so excited to be sharing on this subject with you, because this is the life-support on which this organization is built.
Soo, what does my typical date day with Jesus look like?
Well, the first thing i do while planning to go on a date with Jesus is to search for and pick a calm, quiet and beautiful location where i can go with him uninterrupted, and then begin to plan ahead.
I keep consciously telling Jesus all the time leading up to that day that i am so excited about our DAY out together and that i cannot wait for it to come already. I deliberately remind him again and again (because he is my best friend) that i want him to talk a ton and tell me a lot so he should prepare all the gist and conversations he's been wanting us to have for that day.
So beautifully unreal!
Its like going on an actual date with a real human, only that this one is more exciting and magical!! (wink wink).
When it's due date, i grab my journal, pen, highlighter(optional), pocket Bible(a Bible app will still do), earphones to turn up some real worship music, my camera (in case i need to use my phone uninterrupted) and maybe sticker notes in case i need to emphasize on something. I wear my favorite outfit (that was picked by Jesus!), put on my make-up and some nice perfume, get me an Uber (b/c i don't want the hassle of public transport to destroy the atmosphere I've created for our date day, so yes, i include my Uber fare in my budget while planning. The sweetest thing is Jesus provides the money for me to go on our date way ahead of time, as long as i ask and keep asking. lol)
Then when I get to my selected location, I order some really nice, affordable meal, invite him to come join me, and then throw the conversation open. And boom! He starts to talk! (He loves to talk to us, but are we ready to isolate so that we can hear him?) He tells me things and i tell him things, because Jesus wants a relationship/friendship with us and wants it to be as real as it can get.
We generally don't have any off-topics, and i genuinely don't feel any pressure whatsoever to be my 'best-self' around him.
I can be my real self with him and you can too.
We talk about EVERYTHING- How good or bad my day or week was, what i need money for and exactly how much i need, what plans he has for my life in the next couple of years...you name it. I laugh out loud, blush, gush, smile and experience all those various emotions i would experience when a physical person i truly love is with me.
It's real and possible.
Open your heart to the possibilities of you and Jesus being real life buddies!!
Going on this monthly date with Jesus is for me, among many other things very therapeutic. It's so sweet, warm sincere and a great way of bonding and growing in intimacy with my King Jesus. We are Queens and spending time with him daily is part of our JD. (job description).
Whether you are married, single, or in a relationship, this is applicable to every woman because your maker is first your husband before any other human being should be recognized.
"For thy maker is thy husband, the Lord of Hosts is his name.." Isaiah 54:5 (KJV)
PS: Remember that we are supposed to spend time/fellowship with Jesus everyday without a ceremony necessarily, but a date-day is to make memories and infuse a splash of creativity in our relationship with God. It's the same fellowship we have with him daily, but in a different setting and context.
Here are a few things a date day with Jesus does:
i) Helps us to see Jesus as a real person that wants a rich intimacy with us.
ii) Helps us hear him better/communicate with him more effectively. (I get a lot of questions about how to hear God. Isolated, alone time is one of the many ways!)
iii) Make fond memories with Jesus. (the exact same reason a real-life couple would do a date day too).
iv) Defeat the idea that you need a man to make you feel loved or special. Naa. Jesus is all you need and you have all you need.
It should be done as frequently as possible until it becomes your personal tradition.
Non- negotiables: Enthusiasm, Stillness & Concentration, An open heart, A system to capture his words. E.g. A notebook/journal.
Invest in your relationship with Abba, he is so worth it!! Save up if you have to, (the great thing is any budget works, just plan ahead) buy a cheap meal if you have to. Because it's not so much about what it costs you as much as it is about being INTENTIONAL in your relationship with Jesus.
Listen Sis, Jesus is soo bored of religion. He is tired of his women confining him to a box and limiting the scope of his existence. He wants to reveal himself in many dimensions to you, three of which are Father, friend and Lover! How gooooodddd is that?!?
Today he is asking you out on a date, would you oblige him? He can't wait to spoil you with love for the rest of your life, he is the bestttt lover you have ever known!
Signed: A real-life witness. (Wink**)
So, who is going on a date with Jesus soonest?!?!
I'll love to hear all about it so share your stories and email me pictures so i can share some of them and everyone will be inspired. Plan, execute, and come testify!!
Invest in your relationship with Abba, he is so worth it!! Save up if you have to, (the great thing is any budget works, just plan ahead) buy a cheap meal if you have to. Because it's not so much about what it costs you as much as it is about being INTENTIONAL in your relationship with Jesus.
Listen Sis, Jesus is soo bored of religion. He is tired of his women confining him to a box and limiting the scope of his existence. He wants to reveal himself in many dimensions to you, three of which are Father, friend and Lover! How gooooodddd is that?!?
Today he is asking you out on a date, would you oblige him? He can't wait to spoil you with love for the rest of your life, he is the bestttt lover you have ever known!
Signed: A real-life witness. (Wink**)
So, who is going on a date with Jesus soonest?!?!
I'll love to hear all about it so share your stories and email me pictures so i can share some of them and everyone will be inspired. Plan, execute, and come testify!!
Apologies: This mail came so late cos i had an all night prayer chain with my church family + a busy saturday + Lagos power issues. It is well. lol
Apologies: This mail came so late cos i had an all night prayer chain with my church family + a busy saturday + Lagos power issues. It is well. lol
Hey Sisters!!
What are y'all doing this weekend? Ayee, I'm over here trying to get some WORD into my spirit. I have an idea, let's do a mini-challenge!
I challenge you to cancel every unimportant outing, meeting or date that you have scheduled for this weekend and spend some real quality time studying your Bible. That precious book was not intended to just sit on your shelf/desk gathering dust year in year out, neither was it made for Sunday mornings only, It is also NOT an emergency book- opened only when we are desperately trying to get something from God.
It is supposed to be our favorite "go-to" book all the time! It is supposed to be the road map for our lives and the book we open for accurate direction. It is a life giving book. Spend time studying it! Build yourself up in the word.
How is it that we can spend hours upon hours reading a novel, scrolling through social media or watching the latest seasonal movie and not spend 1% of our time on studying the word? It's because that is our choice. We chose to do that.
But we are getting our lives together this year in Jesus name!!
You cannot claim to serve a God you do not know. In order words, you cannot claim to be worshiping Jesus if you do not know anything about him. Just like you can't have a thriving, budding relationship with a man you do not know.
Do you want your relationship with Jesus to grow? Get to know Him!
Study his word!
Everything you need to/want to know about him is there in his word already. Spend time discovering his amazing personality, his ways, his likes and dislikes, his hobbies, his favorite things to say, etc. Open up your Bible/Bible App and read your Bible all weekend (and even beyond, sisters!)
When you have enough word in your spirit, you can face life more courageously. You become fortified. You can resist the attacks and fiery darts of the devil and his little demons against you. You can't resist the enemy when you have no word stored up inside of you. You can't fight your battles and win when you are not spiritually equipped with the word of God. (Check out Ephesians 6:11-18, so instructive!)
The enemy will not win the fight over us this year in the name of Jesus!!
The word of God is our key to liberation this year, so gird up and let's become word addicts together! (insert hug smiley,lol)
Side note: As usual, satan will try to attack you with many distractions. But be still and know that he is God.
-Your phone will suddenly ring and it will be a call you've been expecting, (haha, we know his tricks!).
-You will suddenly remember that you need to deep clean your entire house or sweep your whole street.(lol, like satan, seriously?!?)
-You will suddenly feel tired and sleepy.
-You will suddenly feel pressed, or need to run an errand urgently.
-You will suddenly need to reply a message on social media
-Your nose will suddenly itch you non-stop and your mind will wander.
-The power (a.k.a NEPA) will suddenly go out and you will feel discouraged (grab your candles, torchlight, or open the Bible app on your phone or any other convenient device!)
satan can't handle it when you are constantly soaking up in the word of God for reaaal, because he knows that in the word you will find the tools needed to access a victorious life in Christ daily, and he doesn't want that for you. He wants to keep you in bondage so he will get petty and messy when you try to study the word and act like a wounded lion..doing everything to stop you.
But discipline your flesh. Bring it under subjection in the name of Jesus!! (1 Corinthians 9:27)
This year, we devote our time to reading and studying the WORD of God. Amen? Amen!
PS: Tonight I'm studying Ecclesiastes 3 and it has been super exciting for me. If you are looking for where to read, then hop on Ecclesiastes and let's groove together! Asides that, i generally recommend you begin with any of the 4 gospels- John, Mark, Luke, Matthew.
Remember to grab your Bible journal/jotter and write down all the amazing things you learn from study. That way, it sticks better and you can always make reference in future.
Tip: Get a Bible translation that is easy for you to understand. My top three are:
i) New Living Translation (NLT)
ii) The Living Bible (TLB)
iii) New International Version (NIV)
There you go. Cheers to an amazing weekend!
(Below are some raw moments of me studying the word all week)
Abba loves you, and I do too.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Hey Sis!
So all week the reminder that God put on my heart for you is to sound a reminder to you to remember to take care of yourself. Don't exhaust yourself with the pursuit of diverse goals in life that you forget to mind your self and take care of you.
Amidst the craziness and busyness of this world and your plates dripping full with activities almost all the time, Jesus wants you to pause, breathe, rest and remember to do yourself good.
Many of us are lost already in our world of career, business, or educational pursuit (etc) that we barely remember ourselves as an entity that also needs to be attended to.
You have one life. One bodily vessel to serve you in this life, and the chase will all be worthless if you are in bad shape mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychologically. Don't get so immersed with work that you forget to rest, smile and make out some "me" time.
Jesus needs you totally WHOLE and in your best shape to be able to serve your unique purpose on the earth.
A broken vessel cannot hold oil.
If you are leaking in any or many areas of your life, you CANNOT do much for yourself or for Jesus.
As ironic and as simple as that sounds, it is the truth.
That is why God always wants you calm, rested, and living in peace.
"It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones" Psalm 127:2 (NLT)
Take out time to take care of yourself. Rest, travel, go on personal retreats, sight-see, have your quiet-time with Jesus, see a clean movie, visit a new restaurant, book a spa appointment, read your favorite books, spend time indoors etc.
Basically, be big on "ME" time .
It doesn't even cost that much yet it fixes a lot on the inside of you!
How is it that we are running after one thing or the other from January till December and at the end of it all we are tired, exhausted, unfulfilled and restless even after we have achieved all we wanted? It's because we are not taking life easy. It's because we are forgetting about ourselves in all of it.
Lagos is such an enslaving city. (I'm sorry, I live in Lagos too,lol and the same applies to fast cities). It just zaps you till you are zero and running on empty. It takes and takes from you and keeps making these many demands on your time that if you are not careful, you can get caught up in all the rat-racing and never have time for 'you' let alone taking care of you.
We just keep living that dangerous cycle of giving and giving so much of ourselves that by the time we realize it, we are broken, unhealthy, frustrated and dissatisfied on our inside and we cannot understand why.
Well, the reason is simple. No body was created to just go and keep going without stopping to recharge, refuel and refresh for the next step. You can NEVER be your best self if you are caught up in the busyness and craziness of life.
So pause, slow down, and remember to take care of yourself. Have quiet times when you sit and organize your life while making plans for your future.
Somehow, we end up isolating Jesus from this part of our lives because we feel he is too spiritual and is only interested in our spiritual lives.
He created the other aspects of your life- your mental, emotional, psychological, physical, etc life- and is very interested in you thriving in all those other areas wholly and completely.
I personally have been learning to appreciate the time i make out to take care of myself.
I like to go out, sight see, clean my face out once every month, get my manicure/pedicure done often, invest in my health/lifestyle/well-being and definitely spend lots of indoor time alone with Jesus. So refreshing. He fills me up with a kind of strength and vigor no one else in the world can ever give me. I wish i could explain it better.
As much as we are warrior women, fighters, overcomers, etc, we are also QUEENS of the Most High! Amen? Amen! We must never neglect that beautiful, feminine side of us that makes Jesus look super attractive on us. (*flips hair*).
Fast and pray all night if you want to, but remember to step out looking like the gorgeous Queen that you are, always! (Esther 5:1&2)
What steps are you going to take this week towards taking care of yourself? I'll love to hear all about it!
Love you so much.
Abba loves you very much.
Monday, March 2, 2020
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