Sunday, March 29, 2020



How have you been all week?

I feel like it's been years since i last mailed you. Lol. That's obviously because there is a lot going on in the world currently, and a day has been feeling like a week. Hahaha.  Do you agree?

Soo, the world is undeniably in a state of distress as a result of the virus outbreak, everyone knows this already and the panic in the hearts of men and women continues to rise as the cases of victims rise alongside globally.

However, as Christians, we are always at an advantage in the face of everything we would ever face or go through.

I've personally been taking time to groan out to God in the place of prayer & intercession asking that he intervenes and heals the Nations. (By the way, Queen on Wings is going to be raising a fifteen(15)  minutes prayer unto the Lord for deliverance in the next 3 days, but I'll save this info for the announcement corner).

Its been a truly trying time and the hearts of the saints are fainting. I believe that among many other things, the Lord allowed the world to go on a "compulsory holiday" for a reason- He wants the hearts of his children drawn back to him!

For many years, the  most frequent excuse that many of us have given God is the excuse of TIME. We don't have time.

We say "Lord, I'd love to spend time with you but i have a job that demands so much of my time. Lord, I'd love to be more committed to studying your word and spending time in worship, but i have to hustle and feed my family. I have a business meeting, i have to travel, i have kids..." and the list goes on. But now that the world is on a lock-down mode, what is your excuse again?

Come back to the Father. The time is now. Spend time with Jesus. Set yourself apart with fasting and ministering unto him. Love on him. You are on a compulsory holiday now and you have come face to face with Jesus. You have to confront all the different excuses you have been giving him over the past years and make amends.

Now i don't know how long this lock-down situation would last, but i do hope that you would make the most out of it.

Sis, are you listening to me? This is super important.

If you've never read your New testament from start to finish, this is your opportunity. If you haven't finished the Bible plan you started on your bible app since last year, now is the time. If you've never been able to sit and pray/worship without getting a call from work or a business client, this is the time to sit still, no body is going to call you!

Now you have the time to finish reading/writing that book, take that online course you have been postponing, listen to that sermon that has been on your phone

I just wish you would take this time as seriously as God desires for you to. Use it to mend the broken relationship you have with him. Use it to draw closer to his heart.

Don't waste this time being on social media all day and stalking every celebrities post and arguing online and participating in unnecessary online "challenges" that do not edify your spirit. Don't waste this time away  gisting or complaining about the government and the state of the world all day.

Remember that the bible says we would give an account of EVERYTHING we do here on earth.

"So then everyone of us shall give account of himself to God."
Romans 14:12 (KJV)

Don't waste your time and your life doing that which profits NOTHING. Make the best use of your time.

In case you have wandered or strayed away from God, this is the time to return back to him. Repent of your sins and welcome him back into your life and begin a brand new beautiful spiritual journey with him.

What is happening all over the world are birth pangs that indicate that the end of the world is near.

"There will be violent earthquakes, and in various places famines and deadly and devastating pestilences(plagues, epidemics); and there will be terrible sights and great signs from heaven". Luke 21:11 (AMP)

The Bible already talked about what we are experiencing now, so it should be no news to us, rather it should be a MESSAGE to us that Jesus is coming back. Lets not get caught up with this world and forget the most crucial thing we should be living for.

I don't know about you, but for me, the whole essence of the struggles and challenges i face here on earth to live for God's glory is to be able to spend forever with him in heaven. What an oh so amazing moment!

My prayer is that when Jesus returns he would not dawn on you like a thief in the night. I pray that your heart will be ready to meet him whenever he returns or calls you home in Jesus name, Amen.

This is the first time in the history of the world where the world is on a stand-still like this. Quite unbelievable.

Our world is so fast-paced and so noisy that i have found it so hard to believe that it could actually quiet down.

Now that it is quiet, take the initiative and begin to own your time. I personally have been outlining my schedule everyday from when i rise in the morning to when i go to bed at night, filling it with activities that can trigger true, tangible growth. I hope that you would do the same too.

In the midst of it all, here are 4 amazing keys to help you live wisely-

i) Spend tons of time with Jesus. Sis, you know i always gotta say this. lol. because it is soooo key!!

ii) Be spiritually alert. Pray, intercede, worship, and declare the word of God.

iii) Do NOT give in to fear. Fear is not of God. The enemy wants you to feel powerless so that he can keep attacking your mind. Stand on the word of God and resist him.

iv) Build you self up. This is such a great time for self improvement and personal development.

v) Remember to follow through with your health routine. (Not out of fear, but wisdom and precaution). Wash, sanitize, clean, and stay safe.

Love you Sisters.
Abba loves you unconditionally.

Your Sister, Regina Uzoma.

i) Queen on Wings is going to be raising a fifteen(15)  minutes prayer unto the Lord for deliverance in the next 3 days beginning from tomorrow. Let me know if you will be joining by mail so i can send you our PRAYER FOCUS.

ii) Let's connect on social media! I have been stirred of recent to post uplifting content to encourage you in this season and beyond. I'm on Instagram as @_uzorr and facebook as Regina Uzoma.

That would be all for now Sis.


Hey Sisterss!

So what have you been eating? What is your diet like? Do you have a meal plan??

I talk a whole lot about this subject because i am so passionate about health/fitness/lifestyle. I've seen how for sure, it is one of the most critical areas of life.

Did you know that what you are eating is either killing you or making you alive?

Take a moment and think about that.

I want to encourage you to begin to tend towards more natural, healthy and organic food.

I personally know of some people that have replaced water with Soda and fizzy drinks in their diet, hardly remembering to drink water for weeks and yet they are wondering why their immune system is always down.

I also know of people who live on junk food year in year out. Their diet is full of processed/packaged food. Nothing fresh or healthy at any point in time and yet they too wonder why they are always low on productive energy.

I know of some other people still, who would NEVER go to the farmer's market to buy fresh food, fruits and vegetables and yet they wonder why they are sick ALL the time.

Your body needs to be cleaned out!!!

Some of you sisters need to just begin a detox plan already to flush away all that stale toxins from your body.

I remember a time when i got sick all the time. Talk about alll the timee!! It was costing me a lot of money to buy drugs and run these many tests and so my finances were depleting constantly as a result and i was complaining all the time simply because i was ignorant.

One day, i cried out to the Lord to heal me. I mean, i had been crying out to him every now and then but this time around i had just had it to my maximum point.

After screaming and praying and asking God to heal me, i heard him speak in a still small voice the precious words that changed my life forever!!. He said "change your diet"

That was it. That was all.

Sometimes the answer to our prayers are not what we think. We always have our eyes somewhere else on one big thing  but it would take the Spirit of God to show us that sometimes, we are the very cause of our own problems.

After i sat to ponder for a bit over those words, i realized and admitted that God was indeed right. I was going days and even weeks without remembering to buy fruits/veggies, work-out, rest or clock in on my daily doze of minimum water intake. I couldn't care about exercise because i was plain lazy and full of excuses yet i was wondering why God hadn't healed me, SMH. Because faith without works is dead.

"So you see, faith by itself isn't good enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless". James 2:17(NLT)

I was perishing for my lack of knowledge and then blaming it on God.

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." Hosea 4:6 (KJV)

How many of us are in that place today? We eat whatever we like and we don't care about it's adverse effect  on our health. Yet we are complaining of one thing or the other going wrong with our bodies.

Are you paying attention to what you are eating? You can't live on sweets, soft drinks and processed/packaged food that has a shelf life of probably four (4)  whole years and expect to be healthy, because you reap only what you sow, even health wise. That food is stale baby girl!!

Does God care about what we eat?

Absolutely, Yes!!

He created fruits, vegetables and water for a reason!

He knew that in them would lie the keys to living healthy, strong and disease-free. God is the author of life so everything he created was designed to give life, including the food we eat.

Back then in the university, when you opened my fridge, you only saw fruits, veggies, and a ton of homemade smoothies for real for real. Hahaha. It annoyed so many of my friends who just couldn't get why i was so obsessed.

I don't know how you see it, but the rate at which diseases are springing up all over the world is a sign that there is something largely wrong with what we are consuming. So i ask you, what are you feeding yourself?

God needs you strong, healthy and in good shape to fulfill your assignment here on earth. You don't want to be chasing your dreams and dealing with a heart disease or blood related issues or whatever else. It would slow you down for sure.( And if you are currently down on any bodily disease, i pray that the healing power of Christ would touch you right now in Jesus name! Amen.)

But you can start afresh.

Detox your system and begin a whole new health journey entirely. It's never too late.

Just make sure you are not the cause of your own problems.

Diet is so important yet it is one of the most neglected ares of life.

Somehow, in this generation we feel like we are showing our children love by  buying them all the unhealthy things they want all year round- sweets, chocolate, soda, etc- and it has become the number one leading cause of obesity in children. Let's give them things that would build their immunity and keep them alive. All that stuff is killing them faster than anything else!

Have a workout routine. Do your aerobics and cardio exercises. Work those muscles out and increase those heart rates. Swim often and offer to take the stairs instead of using the elevator all the time. It's soo good for you!

Side bar: You will get tested! The moment you choose to pull away from all the unhealthy things you have been feeding on, your flesh will cry out. Then someone will suddenly offer to buy you Cold Stone ice-cream or some free sugar-crusted doughnut, then a friend or sibling will suddenly come back with a jar of chocolate. Then someone will suddenly gift you sodas and fizzy drinks. And then you begin to rationalize based on the quantity you are taking in. Lol,

RESIST the entire temptation process. Always remember that this is one of the best investments you can make in yourself- Clean Feeding.

You may not see it now, but it would definitely pay off in old age.

So tell me, what do you feel convicted to cut out of your life and diet today? I want to hear from you.

Love you sisters.

And have a great weekend.

Abba loves you super very much!!

Regina U.

PS: This should be your favorite section of the market from today forward!!

Monday, March 16, 2020


Ahh sisters,

I'm so excited to be sharing on this subject with you, because this is the life-support on which this organization is built.

Soo, what does my typical date day with Jesus look like?

Well, the first thing i do while planning to go on a date with Jesus is to search for and pick a calm, quiet and beautiful location where i can go with him uninterrupted, and then begin to plan ahead.

I keep consciously telling Jesus all the time leading up to that day that i am so excited about our DAY out together and that i cannot wait for it to come already. I deliberately remind him again and again (because he is my best friend) that i want him to talk a ton and tell me a lot so he should prepare all the gist and conversations he's been wanting us to have for that day.

So beautifully unreal!

Its like going on an actual date with a real human, only that this one is more exciting and magical!! (wink wink).

When it's due date, i grab my journal, pen, highlighter(optional), pocket Bible(a Bible app will still do), earphones to turn up some real worship music, my camera (in case i need to use my phone uninterrupted) and maybe sticker notes in case i need to emphasize on something. I wear my favorite outfit (that was picked by Jesus!), put on my make-up and some nice perfume, get me an Uber (b/c i don't want the hassle of public transport to destroy the atmosphere I've created for our date day, so yes, i include my Uber fare in my budget while planning. The sweetest thing is Jesus provides the money for me to go on our date way ahead of time, as long as i ask and keep asking. lol)

Then when I get to my selected location, I order some really nice, affordable meal, invite him to come join me, and then throw the conversation open. And boom! He starts to talk! (He loves to talk to us, but are we ready to isolate so that we can hear him?) He tells me things and i tell him things, because Jesus wants a relationship/friendship with us and wants it to be as real as it can get.

We generally don't have any off-topics, and i genuinely don't feel any pressure whatsoever to be my 'best-self' around him.


I can be my real self with him and you can too.

We talk about EVERYTHING- How good or bad my day or week was, what i need money for and exactly how much i need, what plans he has for my life in the next couple of name it. I laugh out loud, blush, gush, smile and experience all those various emotions i would experience when a physical person i truly love is with me.

It's real and possible.

Open your heart to the possibilities of you and Jesus being real life buddies!!

Going on this monthly date with Jesus is for me, among many other things very therapeutic. It's so sweet, warm sincere and a great way of bonding and growing in intimacy with my King Jesus. We are Queens and spending time with him daily is part of our JD. (job description).

Whether you are married, single, or in a relationship, this is applicable to every woman because your maker is first your husband before any other human being should be recognized.

"For thy maker is thy husband, the Lord of Hosts is his name.." Isaiah 54:5 (KJV)

PS: Remember that we are supposed to spend time/fellowship with Jesus everyday without a ceremony necessarily, but a date-day is to make memories and infuse a splash of creativity in our relationship with God. It's the same fellowship we have with him daily, but in a different setting and context.

Here are a few things a date day with Jesus does:

i) Helps us to see Jesus as a real person that wants a rich intimacy with us.

ii) Helps us hear him better/communicate with him more effectively. (I get a lot of questions about how to hear God. Isolated, alone time is one of the many ways!)

iii) Make fond memories with Jesus. (the exact same reason a real-life couple would do a date day too).

iv) Defeat the idea that you need a man to make you feel loved or special. Naa. Jesus is all you need and you have all you need.

It should be done as frequently as possible until it becomes your personal tradition.

Non- negotiables: Enthusiasm, Stillness & Concentration, An open heart, A system to capture his words. E.g. A notebook/journal.

Invest in your relationship with Abba, he is so worth it!! Save up if you have to, (the great thing is any budget works, just plan ahead) buy a cheap meal if you have to. Because it's not so much about what it costs you as much as it is about being INTENTIONAL in your relationship with Jesus.

Listen Sis, Jesus is soo bored of religion. He is tired of his women confining him to a box and limiting the scope of his existence. He wants to reveal himself in many dimensions to you, three of which are Father, friend and Lover! How gooooodddd is that?!?

Today he is asking you out on a date, would you oblige him? He can't wait to spoil you with love for the rest of your life, he is the bestttt lover you have ever known!

Signed: A real-life witness. (Wink**)

So, who is going on a date with Jesus soonest?!?!

I'll love to hear all about it so share your stories and email me pictures so i can share some of them and everyone will be inspired. Plan, execute, and come testify!!


Apologies: This mail came so late cos i had an all night prayer chain with my church family + a busy saturday + Lagos power issues. It is well. lol

A few good things:

-I'm on YouTube!! How exciting is that? I will be posting short amazing messages there every now and then as the Lord drops it on my heart to, so kindly head on there and hit SUBSCRIBE so that i can keep you informed. Let's keep doing life together. Subscribe here:

-If you love your Sister friends like i do, you will invite them to join Queen on Wings Movement. Share this link:

-If you haven't seen the YouTube video i made for you in the course of the week, check it out here:

That will be all for now.

PS: Below are a few photos from my date with Jesus this week, and i had it with a sister-friend who is also a part of this family. Haha. Bimbs of life!!
Love you Sisters, always!!

Abba loves you very much.


 Hey Sistersss!

I've got a couple of exciting updates for you but first, let's get to today's word! Yes!

Anybody here ever heard a word or received a promise from God that is seemingly taking too long and you are getting weary? Raise your hands and let's share a warm group hug because i absolutely relate!!

I came to tell you today  that GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISE. Don't give up on him. He hasn't forgotten you. Although his timing works very differently from ours and sometimes it can feel as though he is taking too long and it looks as if you are being put to shame, trust him and hold on. Don't loose your hope because he will come through for you.

Many times we grow weary (understandably) from waiting on God and sometimes we just want to be like "umm, ok God, since this is obviously proving too difficult for you and i am tired of waiting, let me help you by doing things my own way".

As tempting an option as this may seem, DO NOT DO IT. It's a booby trap. Don't run off in impatience and go trying to run your life yourself or force certain doors to open or try to make things happen faster for you. You will only ruin things further, end up in more confusion become more frustrated and then discover that you have extended your waiting time by running around in the futile circles you created out of impatience. WAIT FOR HIM.

I can only imagine how Abraham, a friend of God and Sarah his strikingly beautiful wife must have felt. The pain, shame and torture of childlessness decade after decade was begin to tell on them big time and Mrs Sarah came up with a really brilliant idea to "help" God fast track things because time, time was going.


How brilliant!

You know the whole story. Needless to say that trying to run ahead of God caused some more pain for them and created some unnecessary problems that the world is still dealing with till today!

It's not easy to wait Sisters. I get it. In fact it is in my opinion, one of the most painful processes to go through- daily waiting for the manifestation of God's words spoken over your life. BUT IT. IS. ALWAYS. WORTH. IT!

I remember being in that season of my life myself (and I'm still there in some areas) where i had so many promises and prophetic words hanging around my head yet NONE had come to pass. Ahh. I used to cry my self to sleep asking God "when". I often asked why. Why it was taking him so long. Why it couldn't be instant or at least soonest? I wearied myself and God out by constantly nagging and complaining about how his promises took forever and his timing wasn't so perfect for me. I thank God for growth and the help of the Holy Spirit.
I have learnt that there are two things that it is absolutely impossible for God to do- To lie and to go back on his words. Never! So ayee, Sisters, that's good news for you/us!

If you are in that place of feeling forgotten by God, there are two things you need-

i) Patience (Hebrews 10:36)
ii)Faith (Hebrews 10:38)

God has not and will never forget you! Even if your earthly parents do, he will not. He has you etched on his palms forever. (Isaiah 49: 15&16). And i pray right now that for everyone loosing heart or giving up hope on the promises of God, that strength and hope in  Christ will flow through you right now from the crown of your head to the soul of your feet in Jesus name. Amen!!


Abba loves you so much.

Love always,



1) This week is our Q&A week! I'm going to be spending all week answering all your questions ranging from questions about God, your faith, relationship, life etc. Yaaaay!! I'm so excited. So if you've got any questions that have been a bother for you on any subject at all, please feel free to ASK ME via email I promise to respond to every single one of them! It's truly a joy to serve you.

2) I am giving away my e-book for free next week! whoop whoop! stay tuned for it and be sure to read your emails.


Hey Sisters!!

What are y'all doing this weekend? Ayee, I'm over here trying to get some WORD into my spirit. I have an idea, let's do a mini-challenge!

I challenge you to cancel every unimportant outing, meeting or date that you have scheduled for this weekend and spend some real quality time studying your Bible. That precious book was not intended to just sit on your shelf/desk gathering dust year in year out, neither was it made for Sunday mornings only, It is also NOT an emergency book- opened only when we are desperately trying to get something from God.

It is supposed to be our favorite "go-to" book all the time! It is supposed to be the road map for our lives and the book we open for accurate direction. It is a life giving book. Spend time studying it! Build yourself up in the word.

How is it that we can spend hours upon hours reading a novel, scrolling through social media or watching the latest seasonal movie and not spend 1% of our time on studying the word? It's because that is our choice. We chose to do that.

But we are getting our lives together this year in Jesus name!!

You cannot claim to serve a God you do not know. In order words, you cannot claim to be worshiping Jesus if you do not know anything about him. Just like you can't have a thriving, budding relationship with a man you do not know.

Do you want your relationship with Jesus to grow? Get to know Him!


Study his word!

 Everything you need to/want to know about him is there in his word already. Spend time discovering his amazing personality, his ways, his likes and dislikes, his hobbies, his favorite things to say, etc. Open up your Bible/Bible App and read your Bible all weekend (and even beyond, sisters!)

When you have enough word in your spirit, you can face life more courageously. You become fortified. You can resist the attacks and fiery darts of the devil and his little demons against you. You can't resist the enemy when you have no word stored up inside of you. You can't fight your battles and win  when you are not spiritually equipped with the word of God. (Check out Ephesians 6:11-18, so instructive!)

The enemy will not win the fight over us this year in the name of Jesus!!

The word of God is our key to liberation this year, so gird up and let's become word addicts together! (insert hug smiley,lol)

Side note: As usual, satan will try to attack you with many distractions. But be still and know that he is God.

-Your phone will suddenly ring and it will be a call you've been expecting, (haha, we know his tricks!).

-You will suddenly remember that you need to deep clean your entire house or sweep your whole street.(lol, like satan, seriously?!?)

-You will suddenly feel tired and sleepy.

-You will suddenly feel pressed, or need to run an errand urgently.

-You will suddenly need to reply a message on social media

-Your nose will suddenly itch you non-stop and your mind will wander.

-The power (a.k.a NEPA)  will suddenly go out  and you will feel discouraged (grab your candles, torchlight, or open the Bible app on your phone or any other convenient device!)

satan can't handle it when you are constantly soaking up in the word of God for reaaal, because he knows that in the word you will find the tools needed to access a victorious life in Christ daily, and he doesn't want that for you. He wants to keep you in bondage so he will get petty and messy when you try to study the word and act like a wounded lion..doing everything to stop you.

But discipline your flesh. Bring it under subjection in the name of Jesus!! (1 Corinthians 9:27)

This year, we devote our time to reading and studying the WORD of God. Amen? Amen!

PS: Tonight I'm studying Ecclesiastes 3 and it has been super exciting for me. If you are looking for where to read, then hop on Ecclesiastes and let's groove together! Asides that, i generally recommend you begin with any of the 4 gospels- John, Mark, Luke, Matthew.

Remember to grab your Bible journal/jotter and write down all the amazing things you learn from study. That way, it sticks better and you can always make reference in future.

Tip: Get a Bible translation that is easy for you to understand. My top three are:

i) New Living Translation (NLT)
ii) The Living Bible (TLB)
iii) New International Version (NIV)

There you go. Cheers to an amazing weekend!

(Below are some raw moments of me studying the word all week)

Abba loves you, and I do too.


Monday, March 9, 2020





Hey Sis!

So all week the reminder that God put on my heart for you is to sound a reminder to you to remember to take care of yourself. Don't exhaust yourself with the pursuit of diverse goals in life that you forget to mind your self and take care of you.

Amidst the craziness and busyness of this world and your plates dripping full with activities almost all the time, Jesus wants you to pause, breathe, rest and remember to do yourself good.

Many of us are lost already in our world of career, business, or educational pursuit (etc) that we barely remember ourselves as an entity that also needs to be attended to.

You have one life. One bodily vessel to serve you in this life, and the chase will all be worthless if you are in bad shape mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychologically. Don't get so immersed with work that you forget to rest, smile and make out some "me" time.

Jesus needs you totally WHOLE and in your best shape to be able to serve your unique purpose on the earth.

A broken vessel cannot hold oil.


If  you are leaking in any or many areas of your life, you  CANNOT do much for yourself or for Jesus.

As ironic and as simple as that sounds, it is the truth.

That is why God always wants you calm, rested, and living in peace.

"It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones" Psalm 127:2 (NLT)

Take out time to take care of yourself.  Rest, travel, go on personal retreats, sight-see, have your quiet-time with Jesus, see a clean movie, visit a new restaurant, book a spa appointment, read your favorite books, spend time indoors etc.

Basically, be big on "ME" time .

It doesn't even cost that much yet it fixes a lot on the inside of you!

How is it that we are running after one thing or the other from January till December and at the end of it all we are tired, exhausted, unfulfilled and restless even after we have achieved all we wanted? It's because we are not taking life easy. It's because we are forgetting about ourselves in all of it.

Lagos is such an enslaving city. (I'm sorry, I live in Lagos too,lol and the same applies to fast cities). It just zaps you till you are zero and running on empty. It takes and takes from you and keeps making these many demands on your time that if you are not careful, you can get caught up in all the rat-racing and never have time for 'you' let alone taking care of you.

We just keep living that dangerous cycle of giving and giving so much of ourselves that by the time we realize it, we are broken, unhealthy, frustrated and dissatisfied on our inside and we cannot understand why.

Well, the reason is simple. No body was created to just go and keep going without stopping to recharge, refuel and refresh for the next step. You can NEVER be your best self if you are caught up in the busyness and craziness of life.

So pause, slow down, and remember to take care of yourself. Have quiet times when you sit and organize your life while making plans for your future.

Somehow, we end up isolating Jesus from this part of our lives because we feel he is too spiritual and is only interested in our spiritual lives.


He created the other aspects of your life- your mental, emotional, psychological, physical, etc life-  and is very interested in you thriving in all those other areas wholly and completely.

I personally have been learning to appreciate the time i make out to take care of myself.

I like to go out, sight see, clean my face out once every month, get my manicure/pedicure done often, invest in my health/lifestyle/well-being and definitely spend lots of indoor time alone with Jesus. So refreshing. He fills me up with a kind of strength and vigor  no one else in the world can ever give me. I wish i could explain it better.

As much as we are warrior women, fighters, overcomers, etc, we are also QUEENS of the Most High! Amen? Amen! We must never neglect that beautiful, feminine side of us that makes Jesus look super attractive on us. (*flips hair*).
Fast and pray all night if you want to, but remember to step out looking like the gorgeous Queen that you are, always! (Esther 5:1&2)

What steps are you going to take this week towards taking care of yourself? I'll love to hear all about it!


Love you so much.

Abba loves you very much.


Monday, March 2, 2020



Hey Sistersss!.

Unreal. Last night was unreal!! (insert real tears.)

The way Jesus showed up at the VLF all night ladies meeting was mind blowing to say the least and i am still gradually recovering from all that intensity! It was pure bliss. (That's why this email is coming late, i was up all night ministering to people).


Glad i could be a part of it. And shout out to those who saw the flyer in the last two emails and showed up. God bless ya. I do hope to share some of the photos/videos with you my sisters if and when i get them, look out for it.

Soo, the word that the Lord put on my heart for you this week is that many of you need to let go of the past hurts and pain in your hearts.

He showed me that a lot of you women have been hurt. Deep seated hurts have been inflicted on your soul by those whom you least expected- those you love, trust and care about and that has become an open wound in your heart that has continued to bleed and fester for weeks, months and even years. I saw about five of you in this category.

You trusted someone so much and they failed you, hurt you, disappointed you and took advantage of you. They betrayed you, back-stabbed you, paid your good with evil and sold you out to your enemies. And every time you remember the scenario and how you deserved to have been treated better, you start to mourn the pain all over again.

Jesus gets it, he totally does. And he has come to bring you healing today, total and complete healing.  A kind of wholeness that only he can give, but he wants you to play your part for him- Decide to let it all go.

Let go of the hurt. Let go of the pain. Let go of the anger. Let go of the depression. Let go of the unforgiveness. Let go of the bitterness. Let it go completely. It may be hard. Painful and even uncomfortable, but many times the route to true healing is in the place of many tears and vital decisions.

I am reminded always of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A man full of love, compassion and care for humanity- His highest creation. He came to offer his life as a ransom for the redemption of undeserving mankind. The least mankind could have done was to at least recognize and appreciate him for all that he had come to the earth to stake for him(man).

Not so.

Humans are unpredictable.

The same undeserving people he came to die for mocked him, beat him, publicly shamed him and then finally crucified him.

That was enough hurt for Jesus to bear grudges against mankind for the longest time, and doing so justifiably. But he chose not to. Instead, he asked the Father to forgive them for not knowing the gravity of what they were doing. (Luke 23:34). Let us continually follow the example of Jesus.

That's the same forgiveness he is asking you to extend to your offender today- The one who inflicted so much pain on you, so much so that it changed your life forever. The one who abused you and stole your innocence. The one who took all that you had and left you empty. The ex-boyfriend(s) you invested all your time and energy into yet he still cheated- No matter how may times they have hurt you. It is not because they deserve it. It is because you deserve it. You deserve to live above all that hurt and pain. (Matthew 18:21-22).

The beautiful thing about forgiveness is that when you choose to forgive your offenders, you set yourself free, not them. You set yourself free to love again. To laugh again. To hope again, and to live again.

Unforgiveness is toxic. It is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. You are so bitter at them that you are harboring all that toxic emotion in your heart and it is slowly draining life out of you.

No, you are actually killing your self.

You can't give your offenders that much power over you by choosing not to forgive them. They still control your emotions from a distance if that is the case.


Not worth it.

I am also reminded of Joseph, the innocent good boy who just wanted to shine small. Big dreamer. Lol. He was later sold into slavery by the very same people he shared blood with. How painful. Yet he forgave and never held it against them, even helping them and saving their lives many many years later in Egypt... Wow. That's why God could take him to greater heights.

There are certain doors God cannot open in your life unless and until you let go of the past and forgive totally and completely every one that has ever wronged you- your mum, dad, siblings, relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances and yes, even strangers. Don't shut the door to your own greatness by holding on to hurt.

Holding on to hurt even affects your physical health! You  keep wondering why you are suffering from strange diseases that are untraceable and shouldn't even have a business with your body. Heart disease, high blood pressure, hypertension, clogged arteries, heart attack, anxiety, panic attacks pain in the joints...and the devil is legit clinging on to that channel of hurt you have created to afflict you in all kinds of ways. SMH.

Wait. It may even be God you are mad at.

Uh-oh. It just got real.

You feel like he took something away from you, something dear to you, shut a door right in your face, denied you a request or didn't come through when you needed him and you have continued to harbor that resentment against him, feeling like he failed you.

He wants you to know that he loves you, and everything he did/does is out of his love and  desire to protect you. He wants you to overlook the entire situation and trust his grand plan for your life. It is the very best.

 Today, Jesus is offering the grace of forgiveness to you. Don't shut your heart on him. Accept his grace by saying this prayer with me:

Dear Jesus, i come before you today, acknowledging that i have harbored hurt, pain and unforgiveness in my heart against (call their names) for a long time. They wronged me and it hurt so bad, but today, i receive your healing and i set them free in my heart. I set my self free from that grip of pain. I no longer hold what they did to me against them, and i allow your love to reign freely in my heart, for you glory. Thank you for your grace of liberation. Amen.

If you said this prayer, congratulations! The angels have come to work on your heart and set you free from your past!!

PS: I sense that some of you need to talk. To let it all out. The painful stories that you have carefully avoided telling for a long time have to be told for true healing to happen. So, find a trusted person to share your pain with, and please feel free to email me if you trust me (haha!). Talk to you soon.

PPS: Share this email with someone you love and truly care about!

Love you sisters dearly!!

God loves you so much.

Praying for you. Many hugs!




Hey Sister!

How have you been this week?

Jesus just wanted me to remind you that you are Called. Seen. Chosen and Loved by him. He never again wants you to feel like you are not enough, because you are.

Often times, we can fall into the trap of focusing too much on others- we get so carried away by their progress rate, their gifts, talents, job, marriage, career, home, kids, personality type etc- that we judge ourselves and feel like our lives don't measure up. We feel like we are just not good enough and we ultimately fail to see that there is beauty in us and that our lives are perfect the way God has made it.

But hey, you are GOD'S MASTERPIECE. His prized possession. His very own special creation. And I'll tell you, he really wanted me to tell you this today.

So i was studying my bible innocently in the course of the week (off topic from this mail) when he (God) suddenly interrupted me and told me to begin writing all that i am telling you now because he wants you to hear it! How fierce is that love huhn?!

Instead of comparing yourself or feeling like you don't "qualify" as being enough, trust your life into the hands of Jesus and find fulfillment in him. Also consciously begin to DEVELOP yourself while at it. Work on those character flaws and weaknesses that are preventing you from being a better version of your self (and hey, everyone has this). Work towards becoming more caring, loving and supportive towards people around you and generally aim to live a life of doing good- not because you are trying to qualify or impress, but because you want to be the best for yourself.

I once saw a word photo that said "the grass looks greener on the other side because it is often watered and mowed!

For some people, you have had seeds of rejection and hatred sown into your life from childhood..either by your father, mother, siblings, friends or relatives, and you have grown up with that vacuum of multiple insecurities, feeling unloved, unaccepted or undeserving. Jesus wants you to know that you don't need to live your life from that place of hustle and pressure, because he loves and accepts you completely- It is not about what you do or don't do.

For some others, you feel as if your life is lacking in one major thing- it could be anything. So you often say oh, if only i had just studied a different course, then my career would have been more guaranteed. If only i was more beautiful,  then i would have been more accepted. If only i was born to rich parents, then i would have better chances at life. If only i was taller, more intelligent, less extroverted more this, less that..and the list continues. Naa, you don't need anything extra. Jesus has created you perfectly already. Has given you your best life already. Choose to accept YOU the way he has made you.

Basing your worth on human standards is useless. It becomes an endless chase that never truly completes you.

Only the God-sized love can fill that hole in your heart. Let Jesus love you! He wants you to know, that the works of his hands are perfect, and since he made you, you are right in his perfection! (Psalm 111:2)

Never feel pressured to go out of your way, bend rules and compromise yourself to impress anyone or be like someone else. You are fabulous enough the way you are. Don't let the enemy trap you. Fix your gaze on your savior's acceptance of you.

 Embrace you.
Love you.
Do you.
Exhibit you.
Maximize you.
Encourage you.
Appreciate you.

You are kind, thoughtful, loving, amazing, beautiful, strong and unique.

There are 7.6 billion of us on planet earth and yet there is only one of you.


No one shares your finger print, DNA, footprint, hair texture, dentition, complexion, and other of your unique features with you. I don't know how you see it, but that's a pretty strong message from your creator!

He says you are his best creation yet!

I once watched a documentary of a guy born disabled- speech impediment, 85% blindness, stunted growth, hunch back and some other bodily complications. Yet he was so happy, content, living purposefully, and sharing the love of Jesus to the world. I still remember his simple opening words in that documentary because it shook me to my core. He said "Though disabled to the world, i am able to God"


That's a guy that has chosen to love and accept himself just the way his creator made him.

I want to encourage you Sis, no matter where you are now or what your life currently looks like, know that you are good enough. Jesus is writing a beautiful story out of your broken life/situation. Don't wait for the world to define you or categorize you or even validate you.The world will never fully accept you or see you as enough. Make the choice today to accept ABBA'S approval of you- pressure free.

Live your best life!


Love ya so much!
PS: Check out this inspiring video/testimony of a suicidal man turned world traveler who now preaches the gospel fiercely!  Here: