Monday, March 2, 2020



Hey Sistersss!.

Unreal. Last night was unreal!! (insert real tears.)

The way Jesus showed up at the VLF all night ladies meeting was mind blowing to say the least and i am still gradually recovering from all that intensity! It was pure bliss. (That's why this email is coming late, i was up all night ministering to people).


Glad i could be a part of it. And shout out to those who saw the flyer in the last two emails and showed up. God bless ya. I do hope to share some of the photos/videos with you my sisters if and when i get them, look out for it.

Soo, the word that the Lord put on my heart for you this week is that many of you need to let go of the past hurts and pain in your hearts.

He showed me that a lot of you women have been hurt. Deep seated hurts have been inflicted on your soul by those whom you least expected- those you love, trust and care about and that has become an open wound in your heart that has continued to bleed and fester for weeks, months and even years. I saw about five of you in this category.

You trusted someone so much and they failed you, hurt you, disappointed you and took advantage of you. They betrayed you, back-stabbed you, paid your good with evil and sold you out to your enemies. And every time you remember the scenario and how you deserved to have been treated better, you start to mourn the pain all over again.

Jesus gets it, he totally does. And he has come to bring you healing today, total and complete healing.  A kind of wholeness that only he can give, but he wants you to play your part for him- Decide to let it all go.

Let go of the hurt. Let go of the pain. Let go of the anger. Let go of the depression. Let go of the unforgiveness. Let go of the bitterness. Let it go completely. It may be hard. Painful and even uncomfortable, but many times the route to true healing is in the place of many tears and vital decisions.

I am reminded always of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A man full of love, compassion and care for humanity- His highest creation. He came to offer his life as a ransom for the redemption of undeserving mankind. The least mankind could have done was to at least recognize and appreciate him for all that he had come to the earth to stake for him(man).

Not so.

Humans are unpredictable.

The same undeserving people he came to die for mocked him, beat him, publicly shamed him and then finally crucified him.

That was enough hurt for Jesus to bear grudges against mankind for the longest time, and doing so justifiably. But he chose not to. Instead, he asked the Father to forgive them for not knowing the gravity of what they were doing. (Luke 23:34). Let us continually follow the example of Jesus.

That's the same forgiveness he is asking you to extend to your offender today- The one who inflicted so much pain on you, so much so that it changed your life forever. The one who abused you and stole your innocence. The one who took all that you had and left you empty. The ex-boyfriend(s) you invested all your time and energy into yet he still cheated- No matter how may times they have hurt you. It is not because they deserve it. It is because you deserve it. You deserve to live above all that hurt and pain. (Matthew 18:21-22).

The beautiful thing about forgiveness is that when you choose to forgive your offenders, you set yourself free, not them. You set yourself free to love again. To laugh again. To hope again, and to live again.

Unforgiveness is toxic. It is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. You are so bitter at them that you are harboring all that toxic emotion in your heart and it is slowly draining life out of you.

No, you are actually killing your self.

You can't give your offenders that much power over you by choosing not to forgive them. They still control your emotions from a distance if that is the case.


Not worth it.

I am also reminded of Joseph, the innocent good boy who just wanted to shine small. Big dreamer. Lol. He was later sold into slavery by the very same people he shared blood with. How painful. Yet he forgave and never held it against them, even helping them and saving their lives many many years later in Egypt... Wow. That's why God could take him to greater heights.

There are certain doors God cannot open in your life unless and until you let go of the past and forgive totally and completely every one that has ever wronged you- your mum, dad, siblings, relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances and yes, even strangers. Don't shut the door to your own greatness by holding on to hurt.

Holding on to hurt even affects your physical health! You  keep wondering why you are suffering from strange diseases that are untraceable and shouldn't even have a business with your body. Heart disease, high blood pressure, hypertension, clogged arteries, heart attack, anxiety, panic attacks pain in the joints...and the devil is legit clinging on to that channel of hurt you have created to afflict you in all kinds of ways. SMH.

Wait. It may even be God you are mad at.

Uh-oh. It just got real.

You feel like he took something away from you, something dear to you, shut a door right in your face, denied you a request or didn't come through when you needed him and you have continued to harbor that resentment against him, feeling like he failed you.

He wants you to know that he loves you, and everything he did/does is out of his love and  desire to protect you. He wants you to overlook the entire situation and trust his grand plan for your life. It is the very best.

 Today, Jesus is offering the grace of forgiveness to you. Don't shut your heart on him. Accept his grace by saying this prayer with me:

Dear Jesus, i come before you today, acknowledging that i have harbored hurt, pain and unforgiveness in my heart against (call their names) for a long time. They wronged me and it hurt so bad, but today, i receive your healing and i set them free in my heart. I set my self free from that grip of pain. I no longer hold what they did to me against them, and i allow your love to reign freely in my heart, for you glory. Thank you for your grace of liberation. Amen.

If you said this prayer, congratulations! The angels have come to work on your heart and set you free from your past!!

PS: I sense that some of you need to talk. To let it all out. The painful stories that you have carefully avoided telling for a long time have to be told for true healing to happen. So, find a trusted person to share your pain with, and please feel free to email me if you trust me (haha!). Talk to you soon.

PPS: Share this email with someone you love and truly care about!

Love you sisters dearly!!

God loves you so much.

Praying for you. Many hugs!


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