Hey Sisters!!
What are y'all doing this weekend? Ayee, I'm over here trying to get some WORD into my spirit. I have an idea, let's do a mini-challenge!
I challenge you to cancel every unimportant outing, meeting or date that you have scheduled for this weekend and spend some real quality time studying your Bible. That precious book was not intended to just sit on your shelf/desk gathering dust year in year out, neither was it made for Sunday mornings only, It is also NOT an emergency book- opened only when we are desperately trying to get something from God.
It is supposed to be our favorite "go-to" book all the time! It is supposed to be the road map for our lives and the book we open for accurate direction. It is a life giving book. Spend time studying it! Build yourself up in the word.
How is it that we can spend hours upon hours reading a novel, scrolling through social media or watching the latest seasonal movie and not spend 1% of our time on studying the word? It's because that is our choice. We chose to do that.
But we are getting our lives together this year in Jesus name!!
You cannot claim to serve a God you do not know. In order words, you cannot claim to be worshiping Jesus if you do not know anything about him. Just like you can't have a thriving, budding relationship with a man you do not know.
Do you want your relationship with Jesus to grow? Get to know Him!
Study his word!
Everything you need to/want to know about him is there in his word already. Spend time discovering his amazing personality, his ways, his likes and dislikes, his hobbies, his favorite things to say, etc. Open up your Bible/Bible App and read your Bible all weekend (and even beyond, sisters!)
When you have enough word in your spirit, you can face life more courageously. You become fortified. You can resist the attacks and fiery darts of the devil and his little demons against you. You can't resist the enemy when you have no word stored up inside of you. You can't fight your battles and win when you are not spiritually equipped with the word of God. (Check out Ephesians 6:11-18, so instructive!)
The enemy will not win the fight over us this year in the name of Jesus!!
The word of God is our key to liberation this year, so gird up and let's become word addicts together! (insert hug smiley,lol)
Side note: As usual, satan will try to attack you with many distractions. But be still and know that he is God.
-Your phone will suddenly ring and it will be a call you've been expecting, (haha, we know his tricks!).
-You will suddenly remember that you need to deep clean your entire house or sweep your whole street.(lol, like satan, seriously?!?)
-You will suddenly feel tired and sleepy.
-You will suddenly feel pressed, or need to run an errand urgently.
-You will suddenly need to reply a message on social media
-Your nose will suddenly itch you non-stop and your mind will wander.
-The power (a.k.a NEPA) will suddenly go out and you will feel discouraged (grab your candles, torchlight, or open the Bible app on your phone or any other convenient device!)
satan can't handle it when you are constantly soaking up in the word of God for reaaal, because he knows that in the word you will find the tools needed to access a victorious life in Christ daily, and he doesn't want that for you. He wants to keep you in bondage so he will get petty and messy when you try to study the word and act like a wounded lion..doing everything to stop you.
But discipline your flesh. Bring it under subjection in the name of Jesus!! (1 Corinthians 9:27)
This year, we devote our time to reading and studying the WORD of God. Amen? Amen!
PS: Tonight I'm studying Ecclesiastes 3 and it has been super exciting for me. If you are looking for where to read, then hop on Ecclesiastes and let's groove together! Asides that, i generally recommend you begin with any of the 4 gospels- John, Mark, Luke, Matthew.
Remember to grab your Bible journal/jotter and write down all the amazing things you learn from study. That way, it sticks better and you can always make reference in future.
Tip: Get a Bible translation that is easy for you to understand. My top three are:
i) New Living Translation (NLT)
ii) The Living Bible (TLB)
iii) New International Version (NIV)
There you go. Cheers to an amazing weekend!
(Below are some raw moments of me studying the word all week)
Abba loves you, and I do too.
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