Monday, January 20, 2020


Hey Sister,

What kind of utensil are you?

It was heavy on my heart to share on this subject with you today and to also ask you this resounding question- "What kind of utensil are you? What kind of utensil will you be this year?"

To give some context to this question, let me highlight a portion of the scripture that hit me hard and got me thinking recently-

"In a wealthy home, some utensils are made of gold and silver, and some are made of wood and clay. The expensive utensils are used for special occasions, and the cheap ones are for everyday use. If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use.
Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work".

2 Timothy 2:20 & 21 NLT.

An utensil is an instrument or device for domestic use. An utensil in this scripture, is really a metaphor for our lives and the category of honor that we fall into. So what category do you want to belong? That which is made of gold and silver or that made of wood and clay? It's a new year and a new decade, but the kind of utensil you turn out to be is fully your choice to make.

Many times we truly desire to be used by God, (which is a great thing to desire) and we truly want our relationship with him to grow, but sometimes what we don't remember is that GOD HAS A STANDARD that we must ask the Holy Spirit to help us obtain if we are going to be useful utensils in his hands, used for every good works.

God is a holy God, and his standard requirement from us is purity- of the heart and the mind.

To be pure is simply to dissociate yourself from sin and the world's standards. It is to be set apart and consecrated to the Lord only. It is to fully take a stand for Jesus in a society that seems to be ashamed of him, while surrendering in total obedience to ALL his ways. This doesn't come cheap and easy, it would cost you something.

When i first got saved in the university years ago, i remember always praying and crying out to God to use me for his glory. Well..he answered that prayer by first beginning the process of UPGRADING me to his standards...cutting off ungodly friendships, pulling down my worldly mindsets, and demanding more and more of my time in the place of fellowship. No one can be in between. You either do it Jesus' way and be a vessel of honor, or nothing.

Being an utensil of honor means living a life of consecration- staying away from things, people and places that do not bring glory to Jesus.

Are there numbers on your phone that you need to block/delete because they are leading you astray? songs you need to delete? movies you need to let go of, friends and associations you need to say goodbye to? places you should never ever step foot into again?  conversations you should never be found participating in? thoughts you should never entertain again? things you should stop giving your time to at the expense of God?  then decide to CUT OFF from these things.

Someone might be saying "But Regina you don't understand. I can't do without them, we've been friends from childhood, i cant help but watch those X-rated movies, i can't seem to win the war against impure thoughts..." I get it. It's not easy, neither is it a one-off battle. I encourage you to keep fighting and striving to be pure daily. Don't let the enemy win the battle over you. You can do it!

"For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength"

Philippians 4:13.

Begin to lean on his strength and not yours.

When your life is cleaned out, then you will be ready for the Master's use.

Today, i pray for you that the Lord will purify you and make you an utensil fit for his use.

I also pray that he will give you the grace to walk away from anything, person or situation that pollutes you. In Jesus' powerful name, Amen.


I'm rooting for you!

Love always,

Regina U.



Join Queen on Wings Movement- An organization dedicated to helping women build their relationship with Jesus, embrace his divine purposes while brewing for a marriage revolution


My Staycation story.

Hey Sisterss!!.

So earlier today, i was scrolling through old photos on my laptop and found these pictures from my 2018 Staycation with Jesus!!. (see photos at the bottom of this BLOG)

A staycation is like a mini time-out where you go somewhere to relax alone and be by yourself. My staycation meant that i could spend tons and tons of hours with Jesus. It meant that i could study the word of God uninterrupted and pray as much as i wanted. It meant i could meditate, sing out loud, cry, ask questions, meet new people (and share Jesus with them) and just have plain fun- distraction free!!

This was my "Me" time and i could do all the good stuff i wanted. Every lady needs it and this new year, i encourage you to PLAN for this. The key is to deliberately make this a priority and plan ahead. It's not luxury, it is essential for your spiritual well being. So you can begin now to put it in your budget and save for it. Set aside a small portion of your income monthly and search for a hotel that is within your budget, book on time, pick a date, then Voila!

Having a relationship with Jesus is so much fun when you are creative about it. It doesn't have to be boring, monotous or religious.

I highlyy recommend a staycation for you if you are either too distracted with your daily life and your relationshio with God is suffering, overwhelmed and need some lone time to vent and recuperate, struggling to hear God's voice or just trying to grow your intimacy with God. This is such great investment and it is soo worth it!

Things you need for a Staycation:

1) Grab a girlfriend/Sister (if you wish, so that you can split the bill and also for accountability). Make sure not to choose a friend that will distract you from the main goal and then you end up gisting all through. Your best bet is to go alone!

2) Your Bible

3) A devotional, if you use one.

4) A journal + pen (to write down your conversations with God and his responses)

5) Some good worship music to get you in the spirit quickly.

6) Some audio sermons

7) Some  fruits.Yes fruits because food is the last thing you want to distract you! Be sure to go with fruits that you can preserve all through.

8) Your praying heart!!

I may plan something like this later in the year so that we can all be a part of it as a sisterhood community. Who is coming with me? #Jesus2020.

PS: I'm sending this week's mail super early because in two days, I'll be off to my first of many retreats coming up in 2020, and I'll be gone for almost a week.

I'm praying for you.

Abba loves you very much.

Love always,

Regina U.