Friday, October 25, 2019


Where have I been??? Oh my goodness, time has literally flown by! I thought only to take a short break from blogging/posting/sharing encouraging stuff because I genuinely got busy and before I could say jack, 10months went by just like that! Whew...I’m back now (hopefully) for real. I’ve missed sharing on this platform and for a long time, I’ve been truly concerned about how you have been doing and what has been going on with you, so HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? I really want to know.

For me, I’ve been growing, learning, transforming, stretching and increasing my capacity, and so should you too. Why? Because the world is yours to take! While this is a cute, exciting phrase, it places a lot of demands and responsibilities on you as you take on your unique role in life. Everyone wants to take the world, take their sphere of interest, dominate globally and raise their voice of influence, but I want to ask you the same question that sent me into months of Isolation, digging and grooming- how prepared are you to take the world? Until you can honestly answer this question, you may never truly move from “Ideas” to “I did it”!  Your ideas will always remain an interesting inspirational piece of speech that you share with as many people that care to listen.

You have to do something. Do something worth fighting for and establish something worth living for. You are young, full of life, zeal, passion and ideas, but what are you doing with all that stuff? We can sometimes get too confident in our ideas that we can keep reciting it like a speech and forget the fact that it won’t always be ‘your idea’ it can become another person’s idea sooner than later and oh, the pain of watching someone else running with the exact template you thought you exclusively had, and even better. Regret is one of the worst feelings you ever want to deal with. Being a Life/Personal transformation Coach and having coached a lot of people professionally, I can tell you that the regret of under-maximized potential is one of the worst things to deal with. Every moment ticks fast and you will never be able to turn back the hands of time. Now that you can do something about it, why not if not?

 I don’t know about you, but being a spectator in life is not my calling. And it’s not yours too. I want to be right in the middle of the field, making things happen!

Please never despise your ideas and dismiss them as being too small, insignificant or immaterial because it actually takes less than what you think to truly make impact and change your world. Wasn’t that the issue that the Master in the parable of the talent had with the guy with only one talent? (Check Matthew 25:14-30 for the full gist). A lot more people are probably like him today, constantly being dissatisfied, grumbling, murmuring and talking down on their gifts, talents, skills and abilities. The “size” craze is a myth. Many times, bigger is actually NOT better. It’s what you do with what you have that truly matters. Hey, the world is waiting on you to take over!

Are you ready for this journey? I’ll recommend four things that have helped me tremendously:

1)      READ SOME MORE: See the world through the lens of many different people. Expand your horizon. Equip yourself with the right kind of knowledge.

2)      LEARN SOME MORE: I mean deliberate, intentional, conscious learning. There are a lot of resources out there that you can interact with for your chosen field/sphere, meanwhile great caution and discretion must be applied here.

3)      HANG AROUND THE RIGHT CIRCLE: Hang around the wrong people and they will always cut your dreams to size. Hang around the right people and they will give you the energy you need to soar. You have to be really mindful of this.

4)      PRAY SOME MORE: Ain’t nothing work a better magic than prayers! Only God can truly help you.

Are you on your own journey already? What are your top recommendations? Share with us.

So much Love,