Hy Fam!
I've been MIA(missing-in-action) for a while and i deeply apologize for that, its been due to one issue and another, but i missed you guys yoo!
Today's post is simply aimed at encouraging someone somewhere who doesn't feel good enough. My friend Jennifer, personally asked to share her own story of battling with low self-esteem issues, hoping that it can cause us to see how truly special and beautiful we all are, inspite of our imperfections. Enjoy!
name is Jennifer Osuji. Growing up I never had it rough, everything was fine for
me. Had the best of education, wore good clothes, never lacked food for once,
all to say is that we were very comfortable and my dad made sure we all had the
best. But the world did not know that I was dealing with a demon that was far
greater than myself.
up, I felt everyone was beautiful asides me. I mean, why was I the only short
one, the only small one, the one that never won an award, the one that always
struggled through her education. Nothing felt right in my life as I began to
see myself as worthless, not important and an NFA (No future ambition).
Everyone did well except me.
never felt so terrible. During
secondary school, I felt I could not get along with anyone because I was not a
bright student in school. I became socially awkward, I became a people pleaser;
I buy people's love by displeasing myself to please them. I began to seek
people’s confirmation for my own happiness; when I did not get what I wanted, I
became sad.
was brought up in a very strong Christian and I prayed to God everyday but I
was still empty. I got admission into the university and I felt things
would be better when I got into school but it got worse. I found solace in God and
His word but I still felt empty; hence I became depressed. It was then I had
different thoughts about taking my own life. Although no one could tell what I
was going through because they felt I lived a very perfect life because I was
not lacking anything; I constantly wore a smile but I was dying inside. I
wanted the feeling to go away but I never talked to God about it, I was never
intentional about it.
2015 was the beginning of something different in my life. I decided to further
my education, so I decided to go for my Masters in Business Administration (Business
Management). God used different people in my life to make me better and the major person he used was Ifunanya Anoruo. She made me see my usefulness, she
made me understand how important I was to God, she made me see the beauty in
trusting and believing in my own self. It was then I realized there was more to my life. I began listening to positive declarations, began speaking
positivity into my life and I constantly made conscious effort to love myself
every day.
because a child is different doesn’t make them less of a person. The differences in people
is what makes them unique. I am living my purpose and I am making conscious
effort to get better and seek God’s approval about who I am."
SIDE NOTE: Hey there! You are good enough. Just the way you are!
Regina U